General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Prices on Product Templates


Wondering if there is a way to see the prices of the included items within a product template.

Currently if I want to find out how much a template costs, or the cost of the items within a template, I have to create a dummy estimate on a patient.

It would be super handy if within the template there was a column for the price of each item, that way when we go to edit a template we can clearly see what the cost would be, without having to go out - do a dummy - and then go back in.

Label for Cremation if set up as a 'service'


I am trying to be clever and it's not working.

I would like to print a label every time a cremation is charged. This is then attached to the tag on the body bag. It clearly states the patient name, breed, and what cylinder.

I have created a document 'Cremation Label' which is attached to the service and prints Immediately to our label printer.

Reports producting different client lists


We are trying to generate a list of circulars to send out to clients using the "Customer Activity Export Report" but when we run that report using a product e.g. Acepromazine %" we get a different list than if we use the  Customer Product Sales Report over the same period for the same product e.g 01/01/2016 to 10/07/2017?

Price List missing fixed price

Hi Guys,

Wondering if anyone can tell me how I can get both fixed pricing AND unit pricing to show up on our price list?

At the moment I can only get unit pricing which means a lot of our services/products are blank or incomplete in terms of total cost.

Thanks kindly,


Vaccine templates inc. product attachment for stock control purposes


I am wanting to develop a fee for a vaccine including a link with the product so I can track stock quantities. 

So for example I need a template which will read on the invoice "Vaccine Kennel Cough" $80.

Linked to this fee (but not visible to the client) I want the product Canigen KC vacc $8.84 for stock control purposes.

How do I go about setting this up please?

I've tried "Templates" but you can't have one main fee it's just a combination of all the products within the Template.

Forum History



Just been reading some very complicated convos between Tim G and Dave mason and thinking I would like to come back to them one day when I have more time.

Is there somewhere that shows me where I have made comments on a thread? If not, why not!

It would be nice to save(apart from screen shoting) a thread a bit like on facebook, so I can come back later!





PS. is is shotting or shoting? Dictionary doesn't like me either way!

Service Ratio improvements?

Hi All,

Smart Flow Sheet and Patient Alerts

Hi All,

Can someone please point me to where we can (if we can) define which alerts are mapped to Smart Flow Sheet patient alerts - "custom" and / or "critical note"?   I can find some discussion to the 'patient alert class' but this is not a field that we have on our alerts?   How do we add this in?

It would be great it along with the 'allergy' alert, other patient alerts could be also sent across to SFS.

Many thanks



SMS Reminder setup help


I have a few questions relating to setting up SMS reminders. I’ve read the notes and Maggie and I have had a chat, and a few areas are still unclear. Mainly around ‘purpose reminder’ and if it trumps everything as we were still unsure. Would you mind answering the questions below so that I can get this clear in my head?

Frequent/Infrequent sellers reports for testing

I have three reports for testing/commenting on that look at the frequency that products are being sold:
(new) Product Frequent Seller Report - lists frequent sellers over the last N months
(new) Product Infrequent Seller Report - lists infrequent sellers over the last N months
(modified) Stocktake Export Report - corrected a bug and modified with more extensive selection conditions including the ability to omit infrequent sellers

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