General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Schedule column width


I feel like this has been asked before, but I can't find it when I search the forum.

Is there a way to specify the column width on a schedule?



Making it easier to log reports emailed to the customer

The Customer Communications Log facility introduced in 1.9 automatically logs emails generated from the Customer and Patient workspaces.

However, if one generates a report from Reporting|Reports and emails it to the customer, then this is not added to the Communications log.  The only way to achieve this is to preview the report, then download it, then go to the Customer workspace, click the customer's email address in the left panel to bring up the Email Write screen and then use the 'Attach File' button to attach the downloaded previewed report.

Report query

Hello - just wondering if anyone can help me out with 2 reports that I have run and have got very different results for the same time period.

Practice Clinician Sales Analysis Report

Clinician Sales Report

Just wondering where does open get the information from with each invoice - is it the Reference field or is it the clinician name against each product line?

Should clinician choice be limited by location

We are in the middle of setting up another clinic in a different part of the city.

This has revealed (to us) that with a practice that has multiple real locations, that not every vet works at every location, and although one can limit the locations that a user has access to, the system does not limit the clinician that can be selected for an appointment or visit or invoice line item etc.

WorkList Notes


We have a work-list for which I would love to have a default note appear that people have to fill in. Bonus marks if this can be tied to a Task Type.

Example. Vet Message Work List -> Task Type = Phone Call -> Default note is: "Call XXX back Re: YYY on ZZZ"

Example. Vet Message Work List -> Task Type = Follow Up Feedback -> Default note is: "O reports PATIENTNAME is XXX"

Follow-up query - How can I force display of the user who left the note on the task?



Location Phone Number


Wondering if someone can give me the code I need within a macro to return the phone number for the location I am logged into.

I've been able to figure out how to return the practice name - openvpms:get($location,'name')

But I can't figure out the phone number. I tried- openvpms:get($location,'Telephone') but that didn't work.

I'm trying to fit it into a macro such as the one below, replacing the phone number 90920400 with the location phone number.

Works In Progress caching

Hey Tims,

Since we went to 1.9 our Accounts managers have been glaring at me. I found out why today when they showed me how the Works In Progress list reloads every time they exit and enter the list. Its a 5 second load every time.

Previously the list stored their page and position and could be jumped in and out of readily. Is this something that I can fix thru configuration. I'm not sure I wont be knifed if I say we will need to wait for a revision/version update :-)


Thanks guys


Discount amount should on invoices

We do discounts in two ways: A - use a line item discount; B - set the discount amount non-zero on the invoice.

A is convenient – just pull in the line item
B shows up at the bottom of the invoice

In an invoice that contains a line item discount and a discounted product, you may get the situation where the last line item on the invoice says Discount -$400 but the ‘You have been given a discount’ says $23 (that being the total if the product discounts).

Printed flag doesn't indicate when a document has been printed

I might have something wrong here but when we print a document, the Printed flag does not update to say it has been printed.


Behaviour is:

1. Add doc (say form)

2. Print from selected document in Documents



Problem with Breed lists

Hey guys,

Well it took a lifetime but we are finally on 1.9. The upgrade was from 1.5 (I think) so we have some issues that might be related to the rapid growth spurt.

One particular issue that I seem unable to solve is our Lookups (Breeds and Suburbs particularly).

We have large numbers of inactive suburbs and breeds and they all appear with decatived next to them. Scrolling through them is a problem. Worse then that, they can be selected :-( I'm scrambling to see how many of the deactiovated ones have been used already.

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