General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Drug label into document (without drug name)


We are trying to reduce prescriptions, so I have linked our Prescription document to a Prescription Fee.

This is a bit long winded, but I'm wondering if there is a merge field for drug labels instructions, without printing the drug name itself.

What I've done so far is:

Created a product (medication) called 'Prescription Fee'

This has a document attached within the product set up - 'Prescription.odt"

The product also has a drug label:

"Drug Name:


OK button on Invoicing


I'm just wondering if there is a way to remove the OK button on the invoice screen.

I think I would like to force staff to either press In Progress or Completed, but they keep reverting to OK.

Or is there a reason for the OK button that I don't know about?


Updating the format of a merge field

What is the process for either requesting an update to the format of a merge field or requesting that a new field be created?

In the US, the proper format for an address is: 

City, State Zip 

What OPEN kicks out is:

City State Zip (no comma)

Since I suspect that this is set up to be common format in Australia, is it possible to create four new merge fields for street address, city, state and zip so we can format addresses properly for here in the US?

Thanks, Alan


Updating the format of a merge field

What is the process for either requesting an update to the format of a merge field or requesting that a new field be created?

In the US, the proper format for an address is: 

City, State Zip 

What OPEN kicks out is:

City State Zip (no comma)

Since I suspect that this is set up to be common format in Australia, is it possible to create four new merge fields for street address, city, state and zip so we can format addresses properly for here in the US?

Thanks, Alan


Change Appointment Status Colour


I can't figure out how to change the colours of the Appointment Status options (ie billed)

I would like to make the colours a bit more obvious on the worklist so the receptionists know when an account is completed.

Perhaps it isn't a thing users can change?



Product Importing


I have a bunch of products I would like to import. However I would like to assign IDs to these that are not necessarily in keeping with the sequential numbering system used currently.

Is it:

a) possible to do a batch import to add a heap of items.

b) Possible/sensible to have pre-assigned ids





Hiding Line Items on Invoices


With templates you can choose to hide zero priced items for stock purposes.

Is it possible to do this with non-templated items?



USB Till Drawer opening via Network print server

Hi Guys,


has anyone had any success configuring a usb driven till drawer (im using a posiflex CR4005) through the network via a Powered USB Print server (currently TP-LINK TL-PS110U)


If so what steps were needed or which print server are you using?





Office 365 emails to clients bouncing back


when we do Reminder and Statement Runs, we often get emails bouncing back with one of 2 error messages:

1. A problem occurred while delivering your message to this email address. Try sending your message again. If the problem continues, please contact your email admin.

2. Your message to couldn't be delivered. wasn't found at 'to' address.


Creating a Customer Form document that only inputs customer details, rather than customer details linked to a patient

Hi, I'm trying to create a Customer Form document. All of the forms I have access to in templates at the moment are Patient Forms.

The problem I'm having is that the input fields I have in Patient Forms include the customer details but the input fields also patient details.

Can anyone tell me the input field that I need to insert into the Customer Form document so that it just inputs the customer details without the patient details?


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