General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Can I use reminders this way


I am trying to work out if we can use reminders in this way...

What I want to achieve is prompts and a nice audit trail for certain processes.

For example... Lets say we have an individual cremation...

- Individual cremation charged.

- Reminder generated - "Call cremation company for pickup".

- Pickup happens - Staff member charges "Cremation - Body Picked up"

- Reminder generated - "Body being cremated - Awaiting return"

Drop down list of emails for emailing patient history

Not sure if already possible or not but it would be great to have a drop down list of emails for emailing patient records that could include emails other than owner email(s) only - for example specialist vets, other hospitals and pet insurers. It is a hassle having to manually enter or cut and paste emails when a patient history transfer is required.

Possible now ?

(Note: Have also added this to requests for V 1.9).

Batch Numbers

I have just installed version 1.8 and the vets are complaining about "batch numbers" appearing when an invoice is being charged. Can this be turned off?

Product pricing with multiple suppliers for the one product


I am currently in the process of adding suppliers to all our product profiles. If you have >1 supplier how does the system prioritise which list price to use? I find my system is defaulting to the cheaper supplier unless I tick "preferred". Is this meant to be the case or am I overlooking something???

Kind regards,



Automated archetype upgrage scheme


We have a number of custom archetypes that cause issues when upgrading. It make our upgrade process a more specialised operation and one more prone to issues.

I was wondering if a project might be able to created for an "automated archetype upgrade scheme". I.e a way of automating this process and making it part of the upgrade instructions to make it easier for implementers (particularly those new to OVPMS) to preserve and update archetype changes specific to sites during an upgrade.



Stock quantity levels

Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone else is having any problems with stock levels with regular deliveries from a supplier? We are able to accept deliveries and some items (mainly medications) adjust their stock levels correctly with the delivery but some other items, (mainly food and parasiticides) do not and we are not sure why. Is there anything we need to be checking with the set up of the deliveries or product information?




Updating Product Quantitis in OpenVPMS from CubeX


I don't know if this will help anyone, or even if you have a simpler way to do this, but I order stock from CubeX (not OpenVPMS).

When I restock the CubeX (every second day or so), my stock quantities in OpenVPMS don't match anymore.

So, I wrote instructions on how I compare the date and update Stock Management without manually changing the numbers. I do this once a day as it only takes a couple of minutes.

Again, may not be of use to anyone else, but thought I'd share as there may be something of use in it.


Printing Issues

Hi everyone,

I have a printing issue when printing from within OpenVpms: invoices, reminders is the problem but not labels.

Running Openvpms 1.8 on Windows 7 with Tomcat 9.

I can see the print job loading in the queue, spooling and then the status changes to 'Printing' but nothing happens after that; just stays in the queue.  If I restart the pc the jobs in the queue prints on startup.

Printing from any other program works fine.  Currently we preview the file then print from the resulting PDF.

stock not coming up for reorder


I am using the Generate order feature to do a stock order, but even though my stock quantities & critical quantities are correct, certain products are not coming up for reorder. I was previously using the stock order report until our upgrade but that was not ordering correctly either!


metacam 100ml Qty = 1, ideal qty=4, critical qty =3 (amt to order should be 3)

Hardware support providers

Just a quick question about hardware support providers.

We are looking to get a new server/ work station as the 4 year old PC that currently acts as our server seems to be on the way out. We will then obviously need to go through the set-up process and data migration. All of this is beyond my technical ability so am looking for someone local to set-up.

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