General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Macros for sms reminders

Is anyone using macros for sms reminders? If so, where do we set the macro formula for this and is there a way to set more than one sms macro?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Does anyone use A5 stationary

Does anyone out there use A5 stationary?

That is, if we dropped the A5 stationary set from the standard release package (leaving only A4 and US Letter) would anyone object?

[The reason for asking is that I am renovating the system documents for the 1.9 release, and it would lessen the workload if I don't have to renovate and test the A5 set.]

Regards, Tim G

Price Import and Export

Does anyone have any tricks they have developed for using the price Export and then re-Import functionality.


I would really like to make use of this but can't seem to make it work and just get the following error.


Unrecognised document: speys may 2016.csv



Client mobile number default to SMS allowed

Can we set preferences for entry of new client mobile number to SMS allowed ?

Currently when you enter a new mobile number for a client, there are two boxes, Preferred and SMS Allowed. Currently SMS Allowed is unticked by default. That means an extra step in data entry (or two or three if the mobile number has been saved previously) if we want to send SMS direct from Open VPMS.

Possible estimate and template enhancements

Hi all, before I set up new projects, I would like to get some feedback on some potential enhancements to the way estimates are invoiced, and template expansion prompting.


At present, everthing on an estimate is invoiced regardless of quantity. If you have templates where there are multiple possible products to select, one approach is to:

Changing Vaccination Certificates!

Help needed!

We decided it was time to update our vaccination certificate templates to include our new letterhead and alter some of the formatting.

We did so using the previous template by editing it using word, we changed the header and footer, reworded a few sentences and altered the layout slightly (centered some text). Now it is not picking up any of the patient details at all. We tried reverting back to our old template and now this won't work either. 

At no stage did we alter any of the text involving the patient details etc 

Report that breaks down items that Clinicians Invoice

Does a report exist that actually shows which of our Clinicians Invoice particular items?  I have one for the Item Types, but I want to know who is doing long anaesthetics, or long consults, or lots of anal gland expressions!

Reports without email addresses in the results generated


The following is a list of reports that would be more useful if we could now have the email addresses included in the results.

1. Customer Acquisition Report

2.Customer List Report

3.Puppy School Export Reports(both of them)

Thanks in advance

Report showing clients with no reminders


Is there an existing report that can pull all active pets with no reminders and/or no future reminders scheduled? I could have sworn there was one similar on the catalog but can't spot it if there is.

Thanks, Alan

Change of Owner

Hi - just wondering if someone can help me where I have gone wrong....

We have a family that comes to see us.  The son got a dog and initially it was put onto the Parent's file - not unusual.

So the son then wants to transfer the dog to his own file.

Not very hard, so we make up a new file for him and then edit the patient's information and close off his parents as owners and then make him the new owner....

Today the son rings up and wants to make the appointment for his dog.... 

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