General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Automatically ticked box on document on check in


When we check a patient into a particular worklist (ie surgery), I have a document "patient label x 3" come up during the check in process. The check-box is unticked so you need to click on it if you want to print the labels.

If we check it in to a different worklist, it skips the patient label step and the vet/nurse/receptionist has to print the labels manually at a later time if they are required. This is on purpose as most surgeries are admitted but other departments aren't as often. 

Admitting a patient to Hospital


  Could someone please enlighten me as to how we would admit a patient to hospital please?

It is a feature we have not used to date.  Here is what I figure from reading the forum and CSH:


1. Patient is on schedule view as an appointment

2. Patient is marked as waiting - so ends up on the work list, say "waiting list", but still remains on the first schedule

3. Patient can be transferred from the "waiting list", to a second worklist called "hospital".


new installation

I previously installed openvpms on windows but the computer and safe containing backup and disk image were stolen.

Tried setting it up on windows again but keep going around in circles so now running ubuntu for the first time and have no idea

Have tomcat and mysql working, but when I ./ setup-

Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver' and more

How do I copy the mysql connector/j jar file to <java_home>/jre/lib/ext?

Modifying (deleting) Patient Information Identity

Under Patient Information, Identity we currently have the following options - Alias, Microchip and Pet tag.

Is it possible to delete or deactivate Alias and Pet Tag which we never use ?



Report Request


I was wondering if a report exists that can detail when an invoice status changed and who changed it...

Basically we wish to ensure that invoices are passing through the correct process (completed by a vet and then finalised by reception).

However in general it would be cool to be able to get this sort of information for other data as well (visits for example).



Clinician availability module


How do people deal with clinician availabilty built into scheduling?


So, say a client would like to book an appointment to see a particular clinician.  But that clinician is on holiday.  Is there somewhere on OPV that we can input the clinician's holiday times.  So that when a receptionist attempts to select them when booking an appointment, a warning pops up saying "not available" and the reason (on hols today - forever!).

Referred by query

Hi, just wondering if anyone can tell me the easiest way to generate a list of clients with a particular "referred by" type (ie get a list of customers that have been referred by other vets, listed as "vet referral" in our referred by field).  The customer referral report gives me the numbers, but not a list.  





Estimate Templates


This project popped up on my radar because I was about to post something about our need to have better estimating templates.

From what I can see this is essentially a project to allow for better templating of estimates.

Export Customer Email Addresses

We have 2 export reports in the standard 1.8 package (Export Customer Email Addresses, and Export Customer Email Addresses for Sales) and an 'Export Lost Customer Email Addresses' in the resource library.

All of these have a semi-colon added to the email address so as to allow easy concatenation.

However, I have been asked by the practice manager to remove the semi-colon because MailChimp (which she uses) complains about the semi-colon as an illegal character in an email address.

I have done this for the practice's versions of these reports.

SMS setup

I have setup SMSGlobal Email2SMS as per instructions but when I add to the Practice sms tab then schedules from the schedule view disappear. Can anyone help with what might be happening here. Open version is 1.7.1(6046).



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