General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Office 365 emails to clients bouncing back


when we do Reminder and Statement Runs, we often get emails bouncing back with one of 2 error messages:

1. A problem occurred while delivering your message to this email address. Try sending your message again. If the problem continues, please contact your email admin.

2. Your message to couldn't be delivered. wasn't found at 'to' address.


Creating a Customer Form document that only inputs customer details, rather than customer details linked to a patient

Hi, I'm trying to create a Customer Form document. All of the forms I have access to in templates at the moment are Patient Forms.

The problem I'm having is that the input fields I have in Patient Forms include the customer details but the input fields also patient details.

Can anyone tell me the input field that I need to insert into the Customer Form document so that it just inputs the customer details without the patient details?


Refunds in excess of a client's balance

While it hasn't been an issue yet, is it possible to prevent Open from allowing a refund in excess of a client's balance by a change in the settings or only allowing an amount equal to the existing balance? A client might have a $0 balance but the system will still allow a refund in any amount. If development is required, verification to ensure the same payment type is in the history would be of benefit as well.

Medical Records


Is there a way to delete a vaccination which has been added to the wrong patient for a customer from the patient's medical records. Even if we credit or reverse the invoice the item remains on the medical record of the incorrect pet.

No reminder set

Hi guys,

Does anyone know if it is possible to do a search (or if there is an appropriate report) that you can use to search for patients that do not have an active reminder set? It's easy to search patients that have an overdue reminder but struggling to find anything if they don't have one at all.


Help!!! Im a tech retard!!!



I have just purchased a clinic, with open VPMS, that has only had 1 computer in reception. I wish to set up another work station. I figure I can work out how to install the programs on the computer, but how do i then make them work together? Can it be done without servers? I dont even know the logins for the practice, and cant find any way to contact openVPMS other than the message board.

The reception computer is registered until the end of the year.


Thanks, Laura

openVPMS in the USA


DateTime Macro Expression

Hi, I want to add a a date into a macro that is 3 days in advance of the current day. I have tried various different iterations of the expressions below but can't get my macros to expand or the date to appear.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

date:add(, "3d")

",date:add(, "3d"),"

date:add(dateTime, "3d")


Thanking you kindly,


PS. Running 1.9 test

Invoice Item Sort Order


Within OVPMS it is possible to sort items in an invoice by product/date/clinician/etc. This is great. However we were wondering:

1) What the secondary sort order is? Or is there one.

Example. When we check invoices prior to completing them we will often sort by product, but then if we have 5 days of hospitalisation (two items per day) then we are not sure what order these appear in. It would be cool if they sorted first by your selection (i.e. product) and then secondarily by date.

Not opening or printing PDF files in Open VPMS

Hi, we are unable to open any forms in open VPMS eg. consent forms, desexing forms, client handouts etc. all of which are attached to the patient notes as PDF. We can still print accounts, patient summaries and reports thru open vpms and we can open pdf documents on the computer outside of Open VPMS and print these ok also. Obviously this is causing some havoc. Can anyone suggest the source of the problem? Thanks



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