General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Estimation Report

I have downloaded the estimation report, but after I enter parameters and preview is comes up with an Error O message.

I initially downloaded this report a few months ago and it worked successfully, but didn't allow us to print estimates. Deleted the report and now cannot obtain any information.

Display event type in the Appointment description

Is it possible to display the event type in the appointment description, currently we can colour an appointment by event, but you cant seem to access the Event type participation node of appointments directly to customise the display?


Report Download Instructions


We've typed this instruction document (that is attached) on how to download reports from the website and save them into OpenVPMS. I thought other users may find this helpful.


Invoice reversal and patient history

When an invoice is reversed in OpenVPMS, the patient history isn't updated to remove medication, documents, reminders and investigation entries associated with the original invoice.

For 1.7, the proposal is that when reversing an invoice:

1. Medication, documents, reminders and investigation items associated with the invoice are removed

2. Credit items are added to the patient history

3. The existing invoice items are retained in patient history

Does this work for everyone?



Patient Medication - no charge warning?

I am about to install OPV in test mode in a practice running RxWorks. The practice manager is complaining that if her vets use the New|Medication transaction on the patient medical records screen, then there is no warning that this will not be invoiced.

How do others handle this? Plenty of education/Sin-bining people who do this/????.

Picking up finalised invoice to add charges

Again wondering if others have seen this..

I have added a client to a worklist to order goods on the day they have collected some other goods. It is pending.

When the ordered goods have come in I have clicked consult so I can bill it and move to waiting to pay but it keeps picking up the finalised invoice from the other day rather than starting a new visit.

Again, any thoughts?


Customer Invoice Item

Wondering if anyone else has had this happen or has any idea what has happened.

Today when invoicing a client one of the medications has come up as a customer invoice item in the patient summary rather than a medication.

We have invoiced this item previously so I believe the setup is correct.

Any ideas would be great,


Forum Revamp!

I also propose we revamp the Openvpms forums....

Obviously we had to introduce spam prevention into the forum after the spam attack that occured in January. 

Is it possible to allocated member levels : whether that be automated or moderated. 

We create a group of moderators and our senior forum members, a member group and a new member group.

New members would be able to post but would continue to use word verification or other spam prevention.

Proposal: Add Customer participation link to an Order Item

I propose to add a a customer link to order items (optional)

This would mean special orders placed on behalf of clients can be permanently identified.  And we can ensure we arent using some outdated order book.

Any interest in this

Refunds error on Deposit summary

When we have done a cash refund, at the next banking the TILL SUMMARY is correct with the refund amount deducted from the cash total but the subsequent DEPOSIT SUMMARY add the amount of the refund to the the cash total so the amount on the depost slip is greater than the actual amount of cash by twice the amount of the refund. Is this an error on our part and how can we fix it?

Mike Wildie

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