General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Conditional Text Within OpenVPMS


With the coming improvements to Macros it occured to me that much of the editing we currently do in OpenOffice could be done in OpenVPMS saving opening up another program as well as the problems that currently occur if extensive changes are made in OpenOffice/Word and a file needs to be re-saved into OpenVPMS.

Basically one of the things we do for discharge statements is set up fields in OpenOffice that refer to he/she or him/her depending on if a patient is Male or Female.

Is there any way we could get this sort of conditional formatting into OpenVPMS?

Digital Xray files

Hi all


Had a bit of a search through previous posts and apart from a 2009 discussion, I can't see anything new regarding how people are dealing with digital radiograph files.

Stock Control and Stocktake

We are in the middle of stock tack as I am sure everyone is.

Slight problem arose.

I have my staff doing a stocktack and checking product quantities off on a stock report, where there are descrepencies we are performing a Stock Adjustment to rectify the inconsistency.

yesterday we recieved an order in the morning into our holding area. 

A stock count on Feliway spray was done and found to have 0 on the shelf

The system was reporting a stock level of -1 so adjustment of the product back to 0 was done yesterday afternoon.

Suggested change for Products|Information screen

Currently the Products|Information screen has a Name and a Description column. The Description column duplicates the name from the Name column for all products types except Template (where it shows the description - a field which one can enter for Templates but not Services, Merchandise etc).

Letters to clients

We are about to embark on writing to clients that have pets on various Preventatives to say that we will no longer stock this medication but they can phone ahead and we will order it in for them.

Just wanted to know if there was an easier way to do this than I am planning:

1. Create a document with Merge fields

2. Run a report for patients on the specified products

3. Manually go into the Document tab of each pet's history and creat a new document for each animal.

Just seems a bit teadious - but if thats the only way then I will delegate!

Sterilisation export report


would it be possible to modify the "sterilisation Export report to include spieces and sex, so can mailmerge to male dogs etc.. for reminders?




I thought some of you Open users might wish to run some benchmarking of financials.

I initially thought the people in WA might want to share.  The project I am working on uses the Species Sales report and the Patient Marketing Export Report. We wanted to investigate how well or poorly the different species(cats and dogs essentially) were going in our practice. In particular, whether there was any effect of having a cat shelter so close by too.

Can't print statements

When we try and print our statements, we now get the following message.


"Unsupported document template: 11_11_2012-10-30-141934.pdf"


Any ideas would be appreciated.

Open Office Input Fields and User fields

Currently we can create USER FIELDS in open office to pass data from the OpenVPMS application into a form or letter.  These are created by using references that are supplied in the OPVMS documentation.

You can also use INPUT FIELDS that are checked at document creation and will create a window asking the user for INPUT.  This is done by pressing Ctrl+F2 then choosing FUNCTION the selecting INPUT Field from the TYPE list and entering some help text in the reference box

Product Price List report

Hi - just wanted some feed back on this report if anyone else has used it. 

We are in the process of increasing our fees and wanted a print out of our current prices - so chose this report .

It prints out each of the Unit Prices for each product/service even the old prices that have 'From date' and 'To date' - so if the prices have been updated 3 times - 3 entries are printed out. We thought it would just print out the current price. Makes the report very long for printing.

Thanks Anna

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