General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

OTC Sales Posted before Payment is made Correct behaviour?

This may be linked to the previously mentioned problems with changing
payments types of finalized clients

Description of Problem: Once the OTC Invoicing has been complete, and
we move to the OTC payment screen we cannot cancel out of the sale (
or we can, but we get an error stating we cannot delete a posted ACT)
If we accept the error the screen exits the OTC sale.

Euthanasia automatically deceasing pat ients


I'm not sure if I've missed something, or if it's still not an available

Is it possible to link an update to a product ie euthanasia or cremation,
that will change the patient to deceased?


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Euthanasia automatically deceasing patients


I'm not sure if I've missed something, or if it's still not an available option...

Is it possible to link an update to a product ie euthanasia or cremation, that will change the patient to deceased?


problem with printer

I have a printer which I have created different instances of to enabling printing from different trays. One of the instances prints on A5 paper from the MP tray. If I print an invoice the printer works fine but if I print a patient document eg. desexing certificate some of the default settings get overridden somehow and it tries to print from a different tray.

Is there something different about the way the application prints an invoice? or would it just be that it is openoffice v jasperreports printing?


Matt Y. 

Extending Archetype entity.SMSConfigEmailClickatell.1.1

I was trying to add the Sender ID function into the custom archetype designed for Clickatell...however I ran into a slight hitch....

I added a new string node.  senderId, which worked and I adjusted the textexpression concat to read...

'concat("user:", $user,"password:", $password, "\n","api_id:", $apiId,"to:", $phone,"from:", $senderID,reply:", $replyTo,"text:", replace($message, "","text:"))'

Schedule View with Single Schedule - D ouble Bookings show as sequential....

When I create a double booking in the scheduler with a "Grouped View" the
scheduler behaves as intended and creates a new coloumn to put show the
double booking.

However when the same schedule is viewed as a single Schedule view(only one
schedule shown) the double booked appointment appears to drop into the next
available spot. 


Ie 2 appoints (1hr long at 8am) the second will be listed at 9am instead.

Is this an intended behaviour or is that an would seem to confuse
things a little .

Using Openvpms 1.5 release,

OpenVPMS User M

Schedule View with Single Schedule - Double Bookings show as sequential....

When I create a double booking in the scheduler with a "Grouped View" the scheduler behaves as intended and creates a new coloumn to put show the double booking.

However when the same schedule is viewed as a single Schedule view(only one schedule shown) the double booked appointment appears to drop into the next available spot. 


Ie 2 appoints (1hr long at 8am) the second will be listed at 9am instead.

Is this an intended behaviour or is that an would seem to confuse things a little .

Using Openvpms 1.5 release,

Error when deleted Customer Note


Can anyone tell me why the following error would come up when trying to delete a customer note V1.5

Cannot Delete POSTED Act


Bank Deposit Report


I wondered if anyone else that is using the newest version has noticed an error in the Bank Deposit Report.

It seems that if we have done a cash reversal thru the pre Deposit period that the report is unable to take this into account when it reports the totals for cash when the Bank Deposit Report is run.

The Till Balance Report for the day the reversal has been done is correct but not rounded for cash. It is the actual total of the transactions remaining ie ends in 3c.

Any Thoughts?



Workflow cancellation

Hi all,

We've been experiencing a small difficulty regarding workflow (checkin), and cancellation of it. I notice that throughout the day, our nurses will often (somehow) fail to get an appointment and worklist task associated properly. My hunch is that it's because they're hitting cancel instead of skip at a couple places in the workflow. This means that doctors looking at the worklist will complete to bill a patient, but reception nurses will not see it happen on the schedule -- or vice versa.

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