General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

why doesn't the site remember me when I log on to check stuff?

do you actually need to physically log on every time? or have I missed a boc to check somewhere?

Reminder Letter Recovery



Is anyone able to tell me if there is a way of recovering reminder letters (eg vaccinations etc) if/when a printer catastrophe occurs?

As an example: We did our usual reminder run but found (cause unknown) that some reminders began printing on a different printer? (those reminders were lost due to the printer job cancelling).




setting up investigation types


We are in the process of setting investigation types to link to lab products/fees. We have about 50 lab fees that we need to attach them to- does anyone know if you can do this in a bulk lot (as all the fees start with the word "lab") or do I have to add them individually?

Thanks, Kerry

OpenOffice Merge field for Reminder ty pe in reminders

Hi guys,

I was wondering if there is a merge field for reminder type outside of
grouped reminders (



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OpenOffice Merge field for Reminder type in reminders

Hi guys,

I was wondering if there is a merge field for reminder type outside of grouped reminders (




Hi to all,

I wondered if anyone has had this happen.

I have printed our Vaccination reminders and I have found one for a pet that has had a change of ownership but the reminder has printed with the deactivated previous owners details on it not the new owner.

Could anyone advise what I should check to be sure it doesn't happen in the future.



Weighs Default to Pounds

We might be a little bit of an outlier with this requirement, but does anyone know if there's a way to make the weight measure default to pounds?

Thanks, Paul

Product List and Multiple Prices

Hi All,

We're doing an extensive pricing update currently. We started entering the new prices... while keeping the old ones. We wanted to have the new prices begin on Jan/15. When having multiple prices on the products however, it would appear that the prices aren't displaying properly in the products list. We couldn't identify a pattern... but some of the new prices are appearing even though they haven't come active yet.

Practice's In Brisbane using latest OPENVPMS system

Hi all, I am looking for someone in Brisbane currently utilizing OPENVPMS in its current state (preferably using the latest features) that would be happy to talk to myself and my business partner, and possibly a quick demonstration as well.  



Cheers Ben

Reminder Report

I wondered if anyone can help.

I have printed all of the reminders so they have updated but forgot to print the report at the start (silly girl!!).

The only info I have left now are the reminders that their next action is skip.

Is there any way to reproduce the complete listing again??


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