General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Medical records marked "In Progress" when Completed

I have noticed that many patient medical records are left as "in Progress" even after a client has paid an invoice. Is it possible for patient records to automatically be marked as "Completed" once invoiced, rather than having to manually alter the status ?

New Gribbles submission form for 2010

There is a new Gribbles submission form available for download here

Matt C

Appointments by Clinician report

I think Matt put the above report on the shared resources area and it is useful but when I run it all clinicians come up as 'null' which reduces its functionality.

Can you let me know if this is a bug or is our system set up differently so not reading the clinicians properly?



Age of Animal


Was wondering if anyone else found it annoying that the age for puppies does not change at the right age.

ie - a dog that is 16 weeks show as 3 months it should show as 4 months and 17 weeks show as 3 months as well. it only changes to 4 months at 18 weeks.
this cause some problem when vaccinating as you cant tell the age of the puppy.

Our old system use to show the age of the dog in week till they are 6 months, then worked in months untill they were 2 years. This makes aging of the animal much easier.

Document Template list at check-in


I have attached a copy of page 1 and page 10 of the list of templates we have to select from during the check-in process.

I've had feedback from staff that the majority of admission forms are at the top of page 1, but for some reason the dental admission forms are on page 10. I've had a look at the setup and they seem to be setup up identically, they are all patient forms. I know they can type 'adm' and get the list but the less key strokes we have to use the better. Can anyone give me a hint why they are not listed together in this list?


Version control for document templates

Hi everyone,
We often change our documents. Price updates, new formats, marketing, change of staff etc

I was wondering if the Document Template that currently stores a single association with a document through the "Content" field, should store previous versions as well.

Instead of having a single relationship it would work like the Customer-Patient relationship allowing a history of document changes/versions to be seen.
When uploading a new version, the old version is there for future reference. Presently I tend to maintain a separate archive of all our previous versions.

New style of multi selection box for editing lookups, types, organisation, templates, users, customers, patients & products

It is hard to find an exact forum for this idea as the need for a multi select list box has arisen in multiple topics.Tony summarises it well here:

The idea is to allow the user to create a list then work from that list to edit the individual items. This is contrary to the current situation where selection of a customer,patient, product etc is done through the SELECT button. This means that the list dissapears after a selection is made and needs to be re created to make another selection.

EFTPOS cash out procedure

When a EFTPOS cash out is done, what is the correct procedure to keep the till balanced ?

Estimations - item order

Hi there,

We have only been using Open VPMS for 6 weeks and this is my first post.

Merge Field for Patient Weight


Does anyone know if OpenVPMS has a merge field for patient weight? I want the patient weight to be dropped into patient forms that we print out from OpenVPMS.


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