General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Incorrect header check when printing invoice

I get an "Incorrect header Check" when I try to print an invoice.

I use openvpms 1.4,JRE6, mysql-5.1.47, tomcat5.5.28 running as openvpn user,OpenOffice 3.2,windows xp

Report for product categories

Just wondering if there is any way to create a product report for stocktaking based on the product Categories? I know that you can report by product type, however with the transfer of data from the previous Vetaid system, almost all products have been placed in the medication product type.

If I could create a report which was for example only those products in the "antibiotics" category that would be fantastic! Any ideas?

Duplicate breeds error

I'm cleaning up Lookups and have found that if I have the same breed under two different species I get the error "Duplicate entry 'lookup.breed-ABYSSINIAN' for key 2". Ie Abyssinian cat and Abyssinian guinea pig

How do I get past this?


Monthly Procedure Statistics


I have a question regarding procedure stats and where /how to retrieve this info on OPEN VPMS
eg when we used Vetaid I could locate monthly invoicing stats broken down into procedures eg consults/radiology/microchipping,dental/anaesthesia etc
Can anyone help me with this and /or is it available?
Patrick O'Leary
McIntyre Rd Veterinary Clinic

Report for geriatric patients

I was just wondering if there is a way to print a report for all patients over the age of 7years, as we are want to do a senior pet month and send letter to owners notifing them of this.
it would be great if someone could help

Thanks Danielle

default Po up window size

Is there a way to permanently change a po up window size? It seems silly to have to scoll around when if it was just a couple of centimeters bigger in the first place it would all be there.

Grange Vet Clinic

Using a remote laptop

Hi. I am a new user to openvmps and am currently in the implementation stage. I was wondering if anybody can tell me the best way to access the data on the main server with a remote laptop? A significant proportion of my work is ambulatory and I want to be able to do my billing and histories in the field if possible.

Failed to read jrxml file into a template

Hi everyone,
Is there a bug I don't know about where you can't upload jrxml files into templates? I can't upload this file into a new template regardless of what I try.

I have attempted to upload this jrxml file and others into a new template on multiple instances of browsers on different machines. I get a red box "Error" saying "Failed to read [filename].jrxml"

I've attached to see if anyone else has any suggestions.

Matt C

Document bug


Since 1.4 upgrade any lab reports stored in Patients Documents tab in 2008 or older come up with a load error - see attached. Reports 2009 or newer are ok.

Has anyone seen this problem - is there a fix available?



Next steps to 1.5

Hi All,

Now might be a good time to consider what is wanted in 1.5 now that 1.4 is up and running. In the last while a lot of requests have been raised but have gone no-where due to a lack of interested critical mass.
Below I will list a few that I would like to see getting up and running again some of which I have contibuted to (would it be possible to see what we have contributed to when we log into the openVPMS site so I don't have to keep asking Matt???)
- Email and SMS functionality so that a click on the email address or mobile phone gives you the option to send messages

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