General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Inactive Supplier Relationship.

Just letting you know about a bug.

When you have a product and it has an inactive supplier, if the auto update is tick on it, the system will still use this amount to update the price even though it is no longer an active supplier. This making your sale price incorrect.


Search Forum

I'm still in the process of setting up OpenVPMS and have been browsing the forum. There is some useful information here but finding it seems to be problematic. Is there a keyword search function?

Finding Histories


I was wondering if OpenVPMS had the ability to search for patients using key words. In our old system if i had an animal come into the clinic with a condition similar to a previous case and i wanted to have a look at the old case i could just search by history text and i would bring up all the patients thats history had that word in.


Refreshing the scheduler

Is there a keyboard shortcut to refresh the scheduler?

Matt Y.

Statement button

What is the statement button in the Customer-account workspace supposed to do? Mine does nothing. Am I missing a template or something?

Matt Y.

Electronic Supply Chain Interface Project (ESCI)

Hi Everyone, I am please to say the electronic ordering module discussions have progressed significantly to the point where we have been able to complete the interface design work and are ready to start developing the new module. It has even had a name change to reflect the fact that it will eventually deal with a much broader range of interactions with suppliers. It is now called ESCI (Electronic Supply Chain Interface).

Email Reminders that bounce back


We would like the reminders that we send on OpenVPMS to bounce back to a different email address than the address we currently use. Is this something that I can configure within OpenVPMS or is this something we would get our computer tech people to do?


Is it possible to integrate OpenVPMS with OpenbravoPOS to enable barcode scanners etc?

Our practice has been searching for a retail point-of-sale solution for managing stock. We would like to be able to scan the barcodes of products for entering them onto our system and also print labels with the barcode and price on them.

After some searching we installed Openbravopos: ( It has worked very well.

Emailing records

Are we able to email patient histories ? This would obviously be useful in referrals and would save time (faxing), paper and money.
NB: This next question was posted on one of the development posts. It covers the same issue as above: I have a colleague ready to come over to Open VPMS - they are very keen on this function, which I presume would allow the emailing of digital radiography records ?

Matching Deposit Account to Practice Location

When you select Clear during a Till Balancing process this should automatically select the Deposit account for the appropriate Practice Location. It would appear to fail to retrieve the correct Deposit account and defaults to main practice Deposit Account. In the Till Balancing process the correct Till balance printer is retrieved from Administration -> Templates-> Till balance How do you set up Deposit Account so that it can be accepted as default for specific Location.

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