General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Reprinting estimations

Is there an easy way to reprint estimations if they already have been printed once? Currently our staff Preview then print but this loses the association with the default printer and means they have to set it manually within the broswer print dialog.

Otherwise I will create a new development project for this and JIRA.

Matt C

Till Balancing

Was wondering if someone might be able to help with problems i have with till balance total.


Today i gave a refund to a client for insulin syringes the credit amount came to $59.08 and i gave her $59.10 in cash back. This is now how my till balance summary looks.

Cash Payments : 296.00
Cash Refund: -59.08
Cash Ajustments: 0.00
Cash Rounding: 0.02
Cash Float: $102.00
TOTAL CASH: $338.94

Error reports in version 1.4

Hi All,

Is any configuration required to allow error reports to be sent when they are generated?

If I use the send error report button it appears to just print it to a dialogue. Is it actually sending in the background or do I need to configure an outgoing mail server?

Matt Y.

Bug in 1.4

Hi all,
1.4 is great but have noticed a small bug. It happens when invoicing items with multiple fixed fees.
For example - we have several fixed fees for vaccinations and when invoicing that make up the consult component. When invoicing that appears as $0 even though the total is accounted for in the total area. If the fixed fee is changed, the total changes but the fixed fee remains at $0 despite the change. This also happens if there is only one fixed fee.

User Permissions

I have tried adding several staff details recently copying the entries of existing staff as regards to Roles, Categories, Location and User Levels however, even with all these entered the same the new staff cannot perform multiple basic clerical tasks without getting permission denied messages.

Has anyone had this problem and is there a way around it


Determining number of active clients for a period

Does one of the reports allow users to determine the number of active clients for a particular time period ? An active client is defined as a client who has spent money during a given period.

Print option on the visit being edited.

Hi everyone,
Happy new year. It has been some time since I have visited the forums what with Christmas etc.

Whilst the developers are steadily working through the 1.5 features that have been funded, there are a few features which are currently either "In Discussion" or "Seeking Funding". Have a look through and see if any of those prick your interest and might be worth funding.

In the meantime I though of a feature today whilst writing a history for a client and wanted other poeples feedback on it.

3 year Reminders

Happy New Year,

I have set up my 3 year C3 vaccination to produce 3 different reminders with 12, 24 and 36 month reminder dates however when the patients reminder tab is checked the 3 reminders are there but all have a 1 year reminder date.

Is there somewhere else that I need to set the due dates other than in the product reminder to ensure they are correct in the patient.



Veterinarian / Veterinary Practice Report

Just wondering if anyone has a report designed to print all the Veterinarians/Veterinary Practices in their OpenVPMS database. I am wanting to check/update our information for our referring clinics and looking for an easier way then going through each one individually.

Delivery button problem 1.4 Beta

Merry Christmas too all,

Firstly thanks for the update makes things simpler and the recent button is a real bonus.

I have a problem though I can no longer enter a delivery via the supplier screen.
Click on deliveries, click on New, click on delivery
New delivery screen comes up with the Supplier and the Stock location as usual
but if you click on OK nothing happens.
The OK button appears dead its not thinking about it it just doesnt function.

Normally click on OK and the New delivery screen comes up where we can type in goods.

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