General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Official OpenVPMS 1.4 release

The OpenVPMS development team are pleased to announce that beta testing has been completed and the much anticipated version 1.4 release of the OpenVPMS web application is now available for download.

There are many new features and improvements included in this release. Many of these were community projects that were specified and funded by or donated to the openVPMS community. This includes:

  • Investigation Management - Request form generation and linking to Billing
  • Recent Customer List
  • Grouped Reminders and other refinements of the reminder system
  • Autocapitalisation
  • Additional report delivery formats

To find out what's new and what's been fixed you can view the release notes:

The new release can be found on the downloads page:

email user field

Is there a user field for open office documents for email addresses? Like the fax one: [party:getFaxNumber(party:getPatientReferralVetPractice(.))]



Label Clinician

When I invoice a drug, the drug label automatically defaults to the clinician that was the last to dispense a drug on the computer being used, rather than the consulting clinician. Is this being changed or is it an option in my set up that I can change?

Discounts - Help!

Hi all!

We give Seniors a 10% discount for their Vaccination visit. This discount includes the Consult, Vacc & any medication/merchandise priced up on that "particular" invoice.

We don't give Seniors discounts at any other time ie when purchasing medication/merchandise etc.

Our problem is that at the moment this discount comes off every invoice for Seniors. Is there a way of making this work? Hope it makes sense!!!


Puppy Pre-Skool age search

Hi there!

We want to search puppies who are now 8 weeks to 18 weeks of age to be able to send out puppy pre-skool reminder letters.

Can anyone help?


Product Prescribing Information


Is it possible to add yet another Tab on the products page that will enable us to add a comment that will appear when the product is dispensed so that the user is advised re certain requirements in using this drug - ie Charge as full Bottle only, Use Full bottle dispensing fees, Warn owner re XXX etc



Active Development Projects

Hi, Is it possible to add an extra column on the Home Page Active Development Projects list stating the Budgeted dollars so we know what amount is needed / has been pledged


Migrating from VetCare

We're in the process of evaluating OpenVPMS as a replacement for VetCare. We've downloaded and installed Version 1.4 Beta 2 without any problems, and we're currently going through the exercise of configuring the software for our particular practice. So far, so good ... The big hurdle yet to cross is migrating our data from VetCare. I've searched the website, and believe not only is it possible, but that tools exist to facilitate the conversion. There's tantalising references to a "toolkit" or even the "OpenVPMS migration tool", but I can't find any trace of them.

Commercial services around OpenVPMS page

I would be interested to get people's opinion on the idea of having a place on where businesses can advertise their commercial services. I believe it would be a great enhancement for the project itself as well as to those who provide commercial services around openvpms.

Some brain-storming ideas I would like to throw out there from previous discussions I have had about this are:
1. Providing a page where commercial services could pay to advertise themselves

Inital testing of OpenVPMS works on Apple iPad

VetAnyware just went through initial testing of OpenVPMS on the Apple iPad it seems to work.

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