General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Address Labels

We have previously used preprinted vaccination reminders which we generated client address labels for whenever due.

Is there a way in Open VPMS that we can merge reminder details to print as address labels.

Failing this can we format a printer to just print the address details onto vaccination reminder cards.



Using Forum advice

I've just started using the forum and want some advice. I read the replies to something I had submitted and then typed another comment to add. Half way through my reply I wanted to go back and review the other users comments, I tried to do this and ended up losing my typed text. Can I go back and review comments without losing my typed text?

Downloaded reports

Thank you all who produce reports for downloading - they certainly add functionality.
Can someone please tell me and other uninitiated how you alter the parameters in those reports that have a % field present to further narrow down the report details.



Reminders-All reminders for a client printing on one card, not one card for each patient

At present we print and email our reminders. We are new to OpenVPMS and have been used to being able to pool all the reminders for a client onto one card or into one email. Eg: Mr Smith has 3 dogs due for worming and they are also all due for vaccination. These 6 reminders would pool into one reminder email or letter. I would love this to happen on OpenVPMS. Today I printed approx 500 postcards and we will now sort through these (well my kids will) for the clients with more than one reminder card and I will hand write the other patient names onto the one card for postage.

Schedule Info bar

In the latest 1.3 update the date and info bar has been fixed at the top of the page which is great when navigating in the schedule however in the worklists if there are entries in the first line with a notes 'bubble' this cannot be read as the bottom line of the upper info task bar cuts right through it. If the header row for the worklist columns were to be made a bit deeper so as to push the first entry down the page this should overcome it?? or other solution.


printing the workflow

Is it possible to print the workflow at the start of the day? when it's a full day the preview shows its over 2pages but only 1 page prints with half the information??


Mergefields / Disappearing appointments

Does anyone know the correct mergefield for either Word or Open office to prevent an undesexed dog coming up as a 'False' male or female when printed on certificates.

We have had a problem of appointments that have definitely been made disappearing and the clients subsequently turning up and the schedule ending up double or triple booked.
It is not reproducible on trialling and as it is not a one step procedure to delete an appointment I cannot see it been done accidentally especially 4 times in one morning as happened the other day.
Has anyone seen this as a problem?


Printing at checkout

Hi everyone,
Merry Christmas and happy new year!

We have been trying to decrease our paper useage like good evironmental citizens and we have come across a scenario that unfortunately occurs often at patient checkout.

When a patient is admitted to hospital OpenVPMS generates a suite of documents; hospital charts, IV line labels, etc etc Some of these are printed then. Some of them dont get printed if they aren;t going to be used straight away. Furthermore some are printed using the "Preview" function .

Report printing

Can we print a sales report for medications, merchandise and services in those categories?

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