General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Improvements to the WORKFLOW - Investigations workspace

I would like to suggest some improvements to this workspace.

Reminder bells on Customer|Info|Patients

Would anyone object if we got the reminder bell (as shown on the left panel on the Patients screens) added to the data displayed on the Customers|Information|Patients tab.  This could be done either as an additional column (probably without any heading as 'Reminders' takes up a lot of space compared to the reminder bell icon), or simply appended to the patient's name.

Scheduling & Worklist column headings

Below is a typical scheduling screen for us. You can see that because we display a lot of data, most entries require three lines. Even when restricting the schedule time to just say 'Morning', the display will normally scroll the column headings out of view.

Medical Records paging - suggested improvement

It is very common for a set of medical records to be such that vertical scrolling in necessary to see the bottom entries. However, this rolls the selection panel

Add Visit and Note - suggested change

The 'Add Visit & Note' button appears in two places: the Medical Records screen, and the Visit Editor.

We would like two changes in this facility:

1) when invoked from the Medical Records screen, allow the Visit Reason to be entered so that it is not always set to "No Reason"

Name not number on SMS send window

This post is  to solicit comment on an enhancement we would like.

If a customer has multiple SMS enabled phone numbers, and you click the SMS button in the left panel, then the SMS create window has a pull-down to allow you to choose which number to send the SMS to.

Email and SMS logging

This post is aimed at discussing the addition of a facility to have the system log emails and sms messages. We are currently using the trick of using gmail as as smtp server, but given our need (with multiple practice locations) to have various email 'from' addresses, the gmail trick is not ideal.

Hence, the following suggested enhancement:

New Customer Product marketing report

I have added a new customer marketing report to be used to export a set of clients for mail outs etc

This report differs from the original in that it searchs based on a given set of product sales rather than active customers etc, although it still filters for active customers and patients.



Refunds going the wrong way in customer account


Hello All,

I'm slowly working my way through customizing the reports for our use in Canada when I came across this little problem.  It appears to me that refunds are going the wrong way within the customer accounts.  Here is the actual example from the demo database that I have installed and been practicing on:

Product Price Templates & Type


i was just editing products and tried to assign a product type to a product pice template (so I could draw out injection and dispensing fees as a separate entry in the chart of account system we are trying to set up). There is no product type associated with the product price templates. Why is this? Would it be hard to change? Any suggestions for how I might seperate the dispensing fees component of medications from the cost + markup component? Thanks, Adrian 

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