General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Demo Project Tax Invoice has no total


I've just been playing with the Demo project to see whether it's suitable for our business and encountered this strange problem where I've ended up with the itemized tax invoice for the customer, but it doesn't have any total or current balance. It happened on an existing customer and patient and also on a new customer and patient I created.

Since I'm a first time user just fumbling around, I went to the Customers - Account. Clicked on the Invoice (Id 17304) and clicked Print. Then went to Preview.

Is there a sample database available?

Hello Eveyone,

I have done a new install of OpenVPMS 1.7 and was wondering if there is a small, but reasonably complete sample database out there for testing that I might be able to get a copy of.  I've scoured the site, but came up empty.  I'm looking for one because I am still struggling a bit with the printer setup and having non-blank sample reports would be a real help at this stage.



Search for Referring Vet via Clinic


We have an ongoing issue with new referrals not knowing the name of the vet at the referring clinic they come from.

Therefore, when we enter them into OpenVPMS we have to look up the veterinary clinic -> see which vets work there -> go back into the patient file and enter a vet's name into the seach box.

What would make our receptionists lives a lot easier, is to be able to seach 'veterinarian' via 'veterinarian first name', 'veterinarian last name' or 'veterinary practice'.

Prevent "Print Invoice" dialogue from appearing on customer/patient checkout


   Does anyone know of a way to prevent the "Print Invoice" dialogue appearing whenever a customer is checked out?  We would prefer to have this done manually, if a customer requests it.  We automatically print receipts.


I tried altering the Invoice Template "Preferred Print Mode" drop-down box to "None", but it seems to revert back to "Check-out".



Package Size/Units

We are setting up ESCI ordering and I wanted to confirm that how I should be entering package sizes (little confused by this).

My main problem is for multi-use vials. For example we order Acepromazine in 100mL bottles. We dispense by the mL.

So the “package size” for a bottle of acepromazine is 100 and units is mL?

Or is the "package size" 100 and units is "vial".

I am a little confused at where to enter data so the system orders one 100mL bottle/vial from the wholesaler and updates the quantity on hand with 100mL.

How can one "hide" certain products from the stock list when adding items to an invoice?


    We have some of our products set up as follows (e.g. Canine Lepto Vaccine):


1. An overarching template called "Canine Lepto Vaccine"

2. This is comprised of "Nobivac Lepto" - the bottle of vaccine; and a "Vaccine" service charge.


File Names

Is it possible to make it so that when a document is generated for a patient the patient and client names are attached into the file name?


We have an "Admission Consent Form" that is created via Letters.

If we create a new Admission Consent Form for "Fluffy" Connor, we would like the file that is created to be called "Admission Consent Form - Fluffy Connor".

In fact we would like every file created for a patient to be tagged in such a way.

If not is it possible to create a project for this?

Error Message

One of our vets got an error message last night..

"Failed to validate property Product: co is not valid for this field"

I think this is because something has been incorrectly entered in the Product field? However is is possible to think about improving error messages in future versions to make them a little more "user friendly"?



Cursor automatically appear in Input Parameter


The macro expansion is a great improvement, thank you.

My current issue is when adding a new document, the cursor doesn't automatically appear in the input parameter box. A lot of our vets like to use keyboard strokes and when a document that has input fields is used, they must move the cursor to the text box (it remains in the 'New Letter' box).

There is a previous post about this, but not sure if it was answered:

First login 1.7

Good day all,

I am a new user of OpenVPMS and have installed the entire software chain for the latest version (1.7 - 5765).  The installation notes for this release state that at the login screen the subscription status is displayed and if one has not paid, that a link to the payment page will be shown.  Once paid, a subscription key will be mailed.

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