General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Problem with Installation of OpenVPMS

Hello, I'm try to install the latest version of OpenVPMS 1.7.1  on Windows Server 2008 but with this install instructions : OpenVPMS Installation (Windows) I can't Start the Services of Apache Tomcat and after trying start Services it give me this Error : Windows could not start the Apache Tomcat on Loal Computer .... error Code 0

Bank deposit error

A couple of times the money in the till did not correspond with the cash total on the till balancing report.  We corrected this by using the adjust button. This resulted in the correct cash amount being displayed on the till balance report. However, when we went to do a bank deposit, the cash total was the original valuie (before the adjustment was made). What are we doing wrong?

Regards, Mary

Reversal not working properly

We have a supplier invoice which we attempted to reverse. We pressed the Reverse button on the Suppliers Account screen and a credit was generated (for the same value as the invoice). The problem is that the supplier balance is the sum of the credit and the invoice (both being positive) rather than the difference between the credit and the invoice (invoice positive and credit negative). We were expecting a zero balance rather than double the original invoice value which is what we now have. Can you please explain this behaviour?

Prices for templates

We have noticed that the price of a template does not display on the products. How do the staff quote the price of a spey or a vaccination if it doesn't display?

Using a template for a spey (where the price is the sum of all the products linked to the the template), does that mean that the spey price will go up each time a sub-product goes up? eg. if our spey is priced at an even $x.00 amount, will go up to $x.03 if the cost of a syringe goes up by 3 cents?

Storing Microchip Litter numbers

We were going to store a litter of puppies microchip numbers in a note under the bitches medical records. The bar code scanner scans the chip numbers into the identities microchip feild but it won't scan the chip numbers into the note under medical records. Why can't the chip numbers be scanned into the notes feild under the medical records?

What are common alternatives that other uses of openVPMS use?

Regards Soraya

Supplier opening balances

We entered opening balances for our customers using Account, Adjust, Initial Balance or Credit Adjustment.

How do we enter an existing opening balance for a new supplier? Charges requires a product. Do we need to have a product called opening balance and delete it later? Or will this cause problems later on?

Regards, Mary


Money Doesn't Add Up


So I can't seem to work out why this customer should not be in credit for $250. Please note this was bought to my attention by someone else and I have closed, opened, etc OVPMS several times so not a refresh/find issue as far as I can tell. Am I missing something obvious?

Also, as far as I can tell the customer doesn't have any notes or alerts so I wonder if a previous issue related to these is happening again?

Logoff time too short


since our upgrade the system times out and it is too short, how do I adjust the time to logoff, so I can make it 2hours.


What roles affect what functions?

I can create and edit customers, patients and can create products but I cant edit them.

What role and authority do i need to edit the product.

Is there a summary table of which role or authority is available to each user?

Regards Soraya

Proposed change for searching future appointments in 1.8

When searching future appointments for clients and their pets, in version 1.7, the status default is to searching "all" appointments (eg. pending, in progress & complete).  This can be very confusing when searching appointments quickly, particularly if many appointments have been made in the past. 

Therefore, in the next version of OpenVPMS (1.8), I would like to suggest having the default status option as "pending" appointment only, with the option of selecting the other options (i.e. complete or in progress appointments etc).

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