General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

mail all clients

This may seem obvious to the long time user, but how does one send mail to all clients (eg promoting an open day)?

The currently available reports that list clients and details can be exported to excel for a mail merge. But they all place client first name and last name in a single cell. They also place all adddress details into a single excel cell.

Is there a report that columnates these details such that they can be easily transferred to excel for the purposes of a mail merge.

Preferred Phone Contacts

One of my staff expressed an annoyance to me that when they add in a new phone number the last number they add automatically gets ticked as "preferred" and thus appears in the summary box on the left of the screen.

Screen Not Holding Focus?


I was having a play today and noticed when I am editing for example the contacts tab of clients, then I click "Ok" the screen focus switches back to the patients tab. Is this deliberate or a bug? I thought with the recent upgrade it should hold focus on the "patients" tab.

We are running 1.7 (5765)




Hi - just wanted someone to point me in the right direction.

I want to run some reports and really dont know the ones I need.

I would like to track on a monthly basis the number of consults, number of revisits as a clinic and by individual vets. Also the amount of money spent per visit per vet.

Thanks Anna

Customer Marketing Export - Won't update contacts


We use the customer marketing export to email out our monthly newsletter, however I've just realised that for quite some time (since around mid last year) it doesn't seem to be updating and adding new clients.

I've checked the clients' categories and the purposes listed with the email addresses but there is no difference between those on the list and those that are not.

Any help on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated!


Notes from Services


I think I already know the answer to my question but is there a way to generate a note when a service is charged?

I have had a request that when we charge "Radiology - X-rays" which is listed as a service that OVPMS automatically adds "RADIOLOGY - FINDINGS:" to the most recent note (or a new note in the most recent visit).

This is a simple example but it could be extended for example so we could charge a GA and the note template for this service is automatically entered.



Stocktaking - some thoughts

I have implemented a Stocktake suite as follows:

1. a Stocktake Export report that builds a spreadsheet that you can use to enter the stock counts - below are the first few lines of one where the product selection was 'RC %'

OpenVPMS users using infusionsoft

If there are any other openVPMS users that are also using Infusionsoft would you mind contacting me so we can discuss possibilities?

Many thanks,

Matt Y.

users in Southern Africa and Namibia


i'm looking for users in Southern Africa and Namibia

to get some feedback on the Software.





Upgrade to version 1.6.2

We recently upgraded to version 1.6.2 since start of year, just wondering why an upgrade should go backwards. When in consult and finishing up can't go straight to charges, if an animal has been in the same month and comes back for a revisit, consult goes under first date and there is alot of mucking around to get it right.  I would be interested to know if anyone else is experiencing these with this version.

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