General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Individualized Litter Vaccination Certificates and Vacc due dates on certificates

A user asked:

Individual litter vaccination certificates with next vaccination due dates (and all vaccination certificates with next vacc due date).

In answer:

Part 1

You have 2 options for Litter Vaccination Certificates.

Mail Subject Line


We are currently sending our letters vial mail (email) and have created macros for this.

We delete the text in the subject line (the name of the document) then type in something like


which gives

concat('Referral Letter for Dr ',openvpms:get(party:getPatientReferralVet($patient),'firstName'),' ',openvpms:get(party:getPatientReferralVet($patient),'lastName'),' re ',$,' ',$customer.lastName,' from Advanced Vetcare')

Invoice Item No Clinician Specified


Is it possible to force a user to enter a clinician for the clinician field for each invoice item? It needs to be a vet (clinician) rather than a nurse. We would like each invoice item to be assigned to a vet and we still get entries that have not been allocated....

I think this might just be an archetype modification but would like to make sure before I go breaking our system.



Merging Customer Account removes all OPENING AND CLOSING BALANCES!!

Small warning - merging 2 customers removes all opening and closing balances from the new account!!!

This resulted in a 200 page statement for one of our customers this month!

Custom Statement wont print on a certain customer file

We use a customised statement that includes a subreport with an invoice breakdown for those invoices processed in the current accounting period. 


The statement prints fine for almost all our debtors except 1.  This debtor has around 30 or so invoices this month.  Attempting to print an invoice gives the error

Sending accounts and reminders by email and sms reminders

Can someone please in plain english and step by step, be able to help me set up accounts and reminders that can be sent by email and also send sms to clients. As you can guess I am not a computer programer, can do it though if have everyday english terms and step instructions. We have version 1.6.2. Thank you in advance.


Product Equivalents best practice and usage

I would love to get ideas about the usage of Product Equivalents -

In my particular example 

Surolan 15ml is placed on backorder for 4mths - the equivalent product is Apex PMP Ear Suspension 

is it possible to have some setup that lets the user know Suro is out of stock and APEX is the replacement...


How do Product equivalents work?



How can i implement  openvpms with xampp?

thank you!

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Billing item to wrong family pet


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