General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

no visit being created in 1.6.2

Not sure if this has been covered before.

When we check-in a patient from the worklist, we don't get a visit created unless we print a document from the templates. If the patient was not going to stay after a consult, we would normally press check-in, put in a weight, skip the document and then press ok with the history screen.

But, no visit is created and the weight ends up under the previous visit.

If we print a document on the way through, no problem.

Macros Questions


Following on from Greta's questions about macros for emails I am having a few issues with macros and was wondering if someone could help me.

1) Sometimes when I am trying to create a macro in the "Edit Macro" screen the macro will auto-expand in that screen.

So, I put @ClinicianName (macro = openvpms:get($clinician, "description")) and it executes and enters my name. Great, except that then others can't use it.

I am not sure why this happens in some instances but not others.

Email Subject


It might be part of the new upgrade, but I am wondering if there is a way to have an automatic subject line in our OpenVPMS emails?

Ideally when emailing patient documents, the subject line would have something along the lines of:

prices appearing in history on 1.6.2

another post-update question.

the staff don't like the prices for every item showing up in the patients history.

Is there a way of turning this off?

consulting and invoicing from worklist open 1.6.2

we have just updated to 1.6.2


it isn't running the same as before. main issue is not going directly to the invoice after going through the consult from the worklist.  how/where do I change this?

invoice merge

we have had one of those wierd things happen and now can't print invoices.  where do I find the invoice template to replace it?

Importing Supplier Price Lists e.g. Idexx

Hello all,

We are about to import a major supplier price list (namely, Idexx), so we don't have to look up their catalogue every time a test is required.


Top Customers Sales Reports Issue

Just trying to generate a Christmas Card list for our top 96 clients (ie to fit to 4x24 labels per A4 page).

Consult Time Report


I am wondering if someone has or can show me how to generate a report that tells us all the consult times over a period of time?

Basically I want to do some analysis on when we see the most patients/consults, to better allocate staff resources.



CSH Suggestion


Not sure where to put this.

For the description of "Dispensing Notes" it might be helpful to describe that these only appear in the label window. So will not pop up for medications not requiring a label.

Only because I was playing around with this hoping it would pop a window up whenever someone prescribed a certain drug (that doesn't require a label) and it doesn't appear to.



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