General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Printing Customers/Notes&Alerts


We keep notes about client communications and the such in Customers/Notes&Alerts. I have just had call to print some of these notes but there does not appear to be a "print" button available.

Just wondering if this is deliberate? If it should be added? Is there a report that I can use to print out customer notes?



Till balance report printing error message

Hi to all,

Has anyone encountered this error message after clicking on the Print button after the till balance has been cleared for the day? This appeared after we've upgraded to OpenVPMS 1.7 (from 1.6).

It said 'Failed to save Till Balance' with text 'Failed to execute the business rules for URI'

It appeared the money has been cleared and the report would still print from the printer despite the error message.


Anthony (ActiVet)

Service Items can reduce stock

I would like to propose the idea that we can associate merchandise or medications with a service item.

when the service item is sold the stock is reduced.  This would make disposable item stock management 1 step closer to being possible.


Any takers?



Relax the forum spam filter

After the spam attack on this forum last year I understand the need for a filter, however I find the filter a little restrictive at times when trying to post various error messages or code to the forum.  I was wondering if it was possible to do one of 2 things

1. Relax the filter for registered users.


Updating Prices

Good morning - just wanted to see how other people adjust their prices on open.

I like the feature that we can look back to see when a product increased and by what amount. Also if Gribbles have a special price on a certain blood test we can have a start and end date.

I tend to update a product through PRODUCT -> PRICES but dont know if we should be using SUPPLIER tab to update the price? or is the later for changing suppiers?

Thanks Anna

Appointment Reason

Good Morning- previously we could inactivate Appointment Reasons ie Dental Health Month Check up and just activate in August - but it seems now that when I edit the specific appointment reason the inactive box is not displayed. Thanks Anna

Notes for 1.6.2 and how to change email default

Hi, we have just upgraded to 1.6.2 

Having trouble finding the release notes for staff to familiarise themselves with upgrade. I have seen them somewhere a while ago.

And how do I change the default email address so when we send a clinet an email it comes from reception email not our admin email.



restricted areas


we are just about to start using the openVPMS software and I was wondering if there is a possibility to have restricted access to the management area and to lock the option of deleting invoices.




Report for clients choosing email reminders

Is there a report I can run to get a list of all those clients who have elected to receive their reminders via email? Currently we do this by selecting "reminder" from the purpose list when editing clients contacts - email.

using Ubuntu operating system with openvpms

I have  recently  switched  from  Windows  to  Ubuntu  operating  systems  on  the  advice  and  help  of  my son (  a  computer  programmer   who lives  in  Norway).  He  has  set  it  up  and  helping me remotely   with  problems  which  have arisen   with  the  change over.   The  most  persistent  problem   has been  with  printing   reports&nbsp

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