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Changing the owner of a patient, and transferring the patient's account charges too.


  Yesterday I accidentally entered the wrong owner for four patients.  I would like to change the patient owner, and also transfer all charges for those patients to the new owner's record.


I checked Context Sensitive Help - and one way to do this seems to be to terminate the date of the current owner, and add a new owner with yesterday's date.  However, this did not seem to transfer the account charges to the new owner.


Anyone know the best / correct way to do this?



Colour coding in Appt Scheduler

Hi there,

Is it possible to colour-code days in the Scheduler to show that a certain vet is working that day? 



Invoice template

Hi there,

We want to add some kind of "referral voucher" to the bottom of our invoices.

Is it possible to do this? If yes, how do I edit the template and is the length of text limited?



Should mailing an Invoice count as Printing.

Currently when printing invoices you can elect to email as well, if you set the printer to be intereactive.  I

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  • Email database

    Hi there,

    We have just started gathering clients e-mail addresses, and adding them to the "e-mail contact" section in the "contact" section of the "Customers - Information" page.


    We are hoping to be able to use these e-mail addresses to send out mass e-mails to the clients, ie: promotions, newsletters etc.


    What is the best way to edit a customer account when they were double charged for a vaccination?

    Hello all,

      It recently came to my attention when checking a customer account that they were double charged for a vaccination.

    In our setup, a vaccination comprises a template consisting of "injection fee" + 2 bottles of vaccination.  This keeps the stock levels right.  So the vaccination template was entered twice.

    They were also charged for several other items on the same invoice.

    Printing Problem after upgrading to OO4

    I've just upgraded OO3 to OO4: installed as usual, changed options in OO (though option "Internet | Browser Plug-in and check Display documents in browser"  no longer exists); changed system path, checked that swriter started from command prompt (it did), rebooted server and opened openVPMS.


    Good Morning all, I have a problem with my reminders and have put a call in to our implementor but wondering if anyone else has any ideas or suggestions. We print out letters (for more than one reminder & when more than one pet is involved) and postcards for the single pet single reminder. The cards have printed out normally but the grouped reminders have not printed out. They print on the same printer and at the same time as the cards so I know it is not a printer issue. The printer spits out the page as if the message has been sent to the printer but the page is blank.

    Patient List Report

    Hi everyone,

    I'd just like some clarification on how to interpret the results of the patient list report with regards to the start and end dates.

    I presume these are date ranges for the birth date of the animal, but what I want clarified is if one does a search (for example) for all canines born in 2010, do the results come up with EVERY dog born in 2010 that is on our system or every dog born in 2010 that was also ADDED to our system ONLY in 2010?

    For those in WA. Cat Microchip Exemption Form

    THose of you in WA will understand!

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