General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Merging Customers/Patients


It would seem to make sense that when you go to merge a customer/patient you don't get presented with an option to merge them with themselves thus throwing an error.

Stock Re-order Report SQL error


    We are trying to implement a stock control system.   We have created a stock location, and entered various products at that location.  However, when I try to run the "stock re-order report", I get the following error:


Failed to generate report: Error executing SQL statement for : stock reorder report


Not sure what is going wrong.  Any suggestions welcomed.



Thought about report improvements

Recently I have been hard at work building reports.  This has led to some "wouldn't it be nice if" thoughts as follows.  Note that these are just thought bubbles (and not currently a request to initiate a report improvement project) but I thought it useful to record them.

Colour Code Customer Invoice Item

In the Visit Editor, Meds have green background (BG); is it possible to change BG colour of Customer Invoice Item? I had a bit of a fossick around in default.stylesheet but can't see anything there.


Add patient age to description

We have a need to add the patient age to the displayed patient description - to quote the practice manager "When the client's pets pop up on the screen, can we include the age of the pet?  The age would be very helpful - often the owner will ask for David to check on 'the puppies'  but we don't know which ones are the puppies."

Tim A tells me that this is a trivial change to make.  The age would appear after the derived description field, eg "Male Back Tan White (Microchip ....) - 28 Years"

Digital Xrays

Hello - we are about to go digital with our xrays and was told that the images are terribly slow to open with the 'Thin terminal servers' as apposed to a PC. We are a bit concerned as we just have Thin terminals in the consult rooms and work area. Just wondered  if this is indeed the case ? and if this is the case do you just live with it or have found away around it? Thanks Anna

adding multiple visits on update

Hi, wondering if anyone can help.

We have just got the latest update to openvpms & now when we use the workflow we seem to be creating multiple visits in the patient history.

A visit is created at check in with the weight, and when the vet picks it up and consults, it will add another new visit with the clinical notes etc. thus creating 2 visits in the history with the same date, seems like overkill? Are we doing something incorrectly?

Thanks, Kerry

Ordering & Stock Tracking of Consumables


I am wondering if anyone uses OVPMS to manage consumables stock (i.e. items that are not billed to customers) and how you make this work?

Easy Question: How do you print the financial history for a customer?


  Please can someone tell me how to print the financial history for a customer who is not a debtor?  I need to print a full financial history for a customer for an insurance claim.  A history linked to a specific animal with charges listed would be even better.


I know that a statement can be run if the customer is a debtor, but this customer is not a debtor.


How do people use investigations

Investigations can be linked to products - ie if you invoice say 'Albumin Assay' which has an investigation "Bloggs Lab Test" linked to it, then the investigation gets automatically created.

However as I have discovered (see ) no trace is left in the investigation record of the fact that what was wanted from the Bloggs Test Lab was an Albumin Assay rather than some other test.

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