General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

SMS Appointment Reminder

On the Workflow|Scheduling screen, if you select an appointment, then in the left panel showing the customer details, there will be an email link and an SMS button if the customer has these facilities.

Although it is possible to create a macro that generates say "Reminder: Fido has an appointment ", the actual appointment details are not available to the macro, so you have to manually add "at 2.15pm on 25Oct for a checkup".

I think that a $appointment variable (like the existing $visit) would allow the full reminder text to be generated.

Questions about Updating Versions

1. Is there an easy way to see what version of OPENVPMS is installed (without opening up OpenVPMS)?

2. When I upgrade versions, do I need to apply each update sequentially or can I simply replace whatever is currently installed with the latest version?

3. What does archload.exe do? You put directions to run it in the upgrading instructions without explaining what is happening.

4. What are the possible causes for The requested resource (/openvpms/app) is not available.??


Your help would be much appreciated.

Stock Re-Ordering


We were wondering was anyone else having any issues with stock re-ordering, not picking up that items are sitting in a -1 (or whatever the number) that require ordering. We are having this issue on a regular basis :(


Any feedback would be appreciated :)



Pound Road Vet

Need a Word expert

For the 1.7 release I am building a sample patient and customer document that can be used as either a form or a letter. I am happy with the Open Office version, but I cannot get the Word version to do conditional text, ie my {IF {MERGEFIELD} = "Female" "her" "his" } does not work.

If you look at the attached Word document you will see that am/pm time formats don't work and that I cannot find an equivalent on the Open Office 'hide text if" facility. The Open Office document is also attached.

Gift Certificates

I've started selling gift certificates at our clinic. I'm wondering how others are managing the accounting of this. Technically, this creates a liability in accounting terms -- something that OVPMS doesn't deal with. My staff had the inclination to treat it as cash -- which somewhat makes sense -- but it results in double counting the revenue for the value of the certificate. We had thought perhaps to create a negative price product to deal with this, or creating a new tender and filtering it out in all the reports that are related to revenue.

Medical records search facility

The other day I was looking at a performance problem associated with relocating the server to another building. The complaint was that some attachments were very slow to open. I was using logmein to watch the vet in Hong Kong open the attachements. The PMS is still RxWorks, and I was watching the vet search for the attachment that gave her problems.  She was using the 'visit search' facility build into RxWorks because she could not remember the patient but did know that the visit text contained 'histopath' and she used this in the screen below to find the patient.

Usability Suggestion

When generating letters the file name for word and OO files is often not fully displayed (particuarly if the file name is long). Please see the examples below (under the "Documents" heading in example 1).

If descriptions have not been entered (most of the time). This makes working out what the file is difficult (i.e. have to re-open the file or hover to see the fill file name). Slows you down when you are looking back for previously generated letters and the such.

New and updated projects seeking feedback

Hi all,

a number of projects have been created or updated recently that need user feedback before they can be costed and put forward for funding.

They are as follows:

Home Page


It occured to me as I logged in for the umpteenth time today and navigated to the worklist that it would be super convenient for us to be able to select the page that appears when you login.

For us, most of the time we are going straight to the worklist to deal with in-hospital patients. For others this might be different.

Does anyone know if this is something we can easily change in OVPMS or if a project needs to be created to make this happen.



Worklist usage query

I originally posted this on the Developer's forum. Tim A suggested I might get a more useful reponse from users rather than developers. Note that 1.7 will include some 'streamline check-in' enhancements, one of which is to be able to define, for each schedule, which worklists are to be available when one checks-in a patient. Note that one can have more worklists than those shown as check-in targets (eg a to-do worklist), but it makes little sense to have this as one of the check-in targets).

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