General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Automatic Order Generation (1.7 alpha feature)

Just a query -

how is this system going to cope with back ordering?

The current manual system or order generation cannot detect backorders at all due to the fact the supply doesnt notify of them via the ESCI communication system....

Hence if people arent line checking every order there is potential for products to get ordered multiple times if they go on backorder.

Our current list of backorders is around 30 lines long at any given time....


Shedule View Construction

Tim, any chance shedule view supports if,then else integration?



the goal was to list a description if is available on a new line, but not create that newline if there is no description.


you can add the CSH, Tim G that objects can also be referenced like

openvpms:get(., 'clinician.objectReference')/description,

I think this is semantically equal to

Appointment Types and Task Types

There is currently a project underway to streamline the check-in process - see

There is one thing that this project does not address - the relationship (or lack of one) between the Appointment Type in the schedule and the Task Type in the worklist.

Currently, if one is checking-in an appointment, the worklist can be selected, but one has almost no control over the task type - it is automatically set to the default task type for the worklist.

VeNom Coding

Hi all,

    I've started putting together a new project to add support for VeNom Coding, and I'm looking for input on:

  • whether or not you think it will be a useful addition
  • how you think it should work in OpenVPMS

You can find the project here:



Unable to add new products

We are no longer able to add new products. The product appears to be on the computer but when we attempt to bill the product it comes up with "Failed to validate products of stock location. Duplicate active product location relationship."

I see this problem occurred in 2009 but I cannot see how that discussion applies to our situation. I added an imaginary item through products called ZOT and when billed it came up with the same message.

Interestingly the same problem is occurring in the demo version on our system.

Michael Wildie

New Client/Patient Entry

Ok, I will state up front this is a bit of an out there idea and absolutely not relavent to most practices out there. I just have been thinking about it for a while and am interested in:

- Is it possible?

- How might it work?

- What would it cost?


How do you manage Stock for items that are ordered in more than 1 way....

So I have been struggling with how to manage vaccine stocks...up till now I just didnt, but I am trying to work out an effective way.  Lets start with the issue:

Currently many vaccines are ordered in multiple ways looking at a canine 5 vaccine

You can order

a Combopack which contains 20 c3 doses and 20 bb/pi doses OR you can order 20 c3 seperately or 20 bb/pi seperately.  We do both because the c3 are triennial and the bb/pi is yearly....but the combo packs are cheaper.

Time Out


We are still having issues with people billing things under other people's names. This usually occurs when someone has not logged themselves out of OpenVPMS and a new user sits down at that computer and just starts typing.

Apparently there used to be a feature that would enable automatic log out, however this no longer works in 1.6.

Is it possible to have this re-instated in 1.7 and what would this cost?

Ideally this would let us specify:

- A period of inactivity on a terminal after which OpenVPMS would log out.

Practice option for default medical records period

If the current system, the Patients|Medical records screen opens with the date range set to all.

In an old system (the one I am playing with has data back to 2002), this results in the retrieval (for long time patients) for more data than is really needed.

My suggestion is that there be a 'Medical Records Span' field for the Practice, and this contain a relative date (see ) - so that say -3y will set the initial From Date to 3 years prior to the current.

Two questions:

cost of sales report

I might have overlooked it, but is there a report that will output sales of items with their costs alongside. ie


Clavulox 500 mg    -   300 items      cost - $460           sale - $1020

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