General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Legal compliance of medical records

The NSW veterinary practitioners act was recently updated with the following:

i. If a record of a consultation, procedure or treatment is altered, the alteration must be clearly identified in the record

I know that auditing has been raised a few times but nothing has eventuated. I think this is something that needs to get implemented so what do we needs to be done to implement auditing?

Secondly, would auditing actually satisfy this requirement or would there need to be revisions for medical record entries?

Matt Y

How can I privately contact someone about updating the current VPMS system?

New to the practice, but system has been running for over 3 years. Would like to commence using the stock control functions and any other that are of value. Would be good to get a rundown as a new practice manager. Contact me on 0438191189 or clare_warner[at]hotmail[dot]com

Screen layout

I am currently building reports. A typical parameter input screen looks as folllows:

Curse of the $0 Invoice

Hi, I have recently been trying to encourage staff to use the workflow (CheckIn->Consult->CheckOut). This is new for us as this is not how we were initially taught to use the system. However we still are having some issues. In particular:

- Generation of $0 invoices that sit in the "Work In Progress" list.

- Clinicians pressing the "Consult" button and then adding a note only to have it added to an older "In Progress" visit rather than the most recent visit.

Assigning Products during delivery and Auto updating

OPENVPMS 1.6.1 version

When you are processing a delivery and a new product arrives with no associated Product in your files, initally staff are told to search for an appropriate product.  If they select the incorrect product and that product already has associated order details for that supplier then the delivery details are over written with the products details from our database.

This is incorrect behaviour or atleast should be prompted.


Passing multiple numbers into a macro

I was asked if it was possible to build a macro with 3 numbers the arguments - so as to generate something like 'Take xx mls yy times a day for zz days'.  It turns out that this is possible using the trick show below (this text has been placed in the CHS text ):


You cannot pass more than one number into the macro, but you can use the following trick. You can use a decimal and then cut it up using an expression like the following:

Bug? New Client/Patient


Reception is having an issue when creating a new client.

The problem is when a new client is created. Then they go to Patient -> Information -> New and add a new patient. The patient does not appear to be linked until they refresh OpenVPMS (i.e. log out then back in). 

If however they create a new client then click "add" on the patient tab and creat a new patient this way the patient appears immediately as being linked to the client...

Is this an error in how we are doing things or a bug?



Uploading Investigations

Hi, Just wondering if anyone else has an issue with OPEN uploading Investigtions?

We have a server and terminal system and have had on and off problems with the Investigations being uploaded into OPEN. We use Eclinic and the path results are being down loaded into our Pathology file but not then uploaded into OPEN on a regular basis and the nurses have to manually attach the file.

If I go into Workflow - Investigations the Patients are listed but everything is In Progress.

Problem with New Worklist added to Worklist View



I have added a new worlist to a worklist view and for some reason it is not allowing

me to move the worklist into Chronological date order so it is easier for staff making bookings for Puppy classes.

Can anyone help me?




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