General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Price Checks

Price Checks

o        There was a request for the ability for any staff member to generate an estimate/invoice for the purposes of price checks.

o        This temporary “Price Check” Invoice could then be assigned to a given Customer and Patient.

o        This button for this feature would need to be readily available from the Schedules/Worklists.

More flexibility with Messaging

These ideas came from the recent user meeting. They need discussion before they can be used to create a User Project.


o        It appears that users use messaging in a variety of ways including how much people use messaging (some using it a little and others using it a lot).

Checkin process order

Would it be possible to change the checkin process so that the very first screen is the patients weight followed by forms and notes. 

The way that it works currently forms printed at checkin are printed with the patients previously recorded weight which is generally wrong. We have removed the patient weight field from our forms and manually record it but it would save a little time if the correct weight could be added to forms automatically.

Matt Y.

New Note and Visit button

This suggestion came from the recent Users Meeting.

The most common use of medical records is to add notes. If there is a note added without a visit (eg.Phone call etc) a Visit must first be created.

There was a request for a new button in Medical Records that allowed a user to create a New Visit & Note with one click.

Elements to nail down:

Notes section on Supplier


Just wondering if it is possible to have a notes section on the supplier tab. We would use this for notes for the opening hours of our referring clinics, but could also use for contact names for Cenvet or whatever.



Whole estimate not applying

Hi all, 


I am running Version: 1.5-beta-3-SNAPSHOT (4411) 

I have been finding that when I invoice an estimate it does not invoice the whole of the estimate. Some products gets invoiced and some don't. I haven't been able to work out any reason for it. Sometimes it applies the full estimate properly. 

It just occured now and only invoiced 2 products, the second product was one with an investigation attached. 

Help! Can we reverse/edit cleared till balance?

I am only starting my new job and already making many silly mistakes ... :(
One of them was 'clear' the till balance without properly checking the
various payment amount. Is there a way to reverse or 'unclear' this?

Thanks a lot for all your help!

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Help! Can we reverse/edit cleared till balance?

I am only starting my new job and already making many silly mistakes ... :( One of them was 'clear' the till balance without properly checking the various payment amount. Is there a way to reverse or 'unclear' this?

Thanks a lot for all your help!

Invoice addition problem

We encountered a problem with the addition in an invoice. It looks like it's adding up $20 and $30, and getting $111.25. Tony mentioned that this had been seen before, but is difficult to trace. I just wanted to log this instance of it.

I've attached a screenshot of the database as well. The transaction (invoice) number is 25578 (as printed on the invoice).

Cheers, Paul

Worklist changed overnight


This morning when we have logged on our waiting room and waiting to pay worklists have a lot of old entries on them that have been completed days ago. They were clear at logging off last night.

Wondered if anyone else may have a "funny" overnight?



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