General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Displayed Price Doesn't Include Link ed Fee

We're running into a problem associated with the display of prices (well my
nurses are, which means I am ).

Scenario: client rings up, "need to pick up a repeat of Neomercazole - how
much so I can send my spouse/child/workmate down with the money to collect
it."  Nurse clicks *Products | Select | neome* and Neomercazole pops up -
nurse reads off price $33.64, tells client $33.60 (nurse-operated rounding

Client arrives to collect drug, invoice is generated and says "$43.64".

Displayed Price Doesn't Include Linked Fee

We're running into a problem associated with the display of prices (well my nurses are, which means I am smiley).

Changing Appointment Time Slots


If I change the current available appointment time slots (for our grooming schedule) to different times will it delete or otherwise upset bookings that have already been made in advance.



importing daily takings to MYOB

How do I import the daily takings directly to MYOB so that I do not have to do it manually.

(I am sure there is an easy solution..)



Matt McL. 

Merge field [party:getPatientMicro chip(.)] and [party:getPatientPetTag(.)] working?


I was just modifying our rabies certificate. I'd like it to pull the PetTag
field directly from the patient record. It looks like there's a function (in
the source code) to do this that's very similar to getPatientMicrochip.
However, I'm unable to get it to work. I tried with getPatientMicrochip, and
with getPatientPetTag. Does anyone have this working with 1.5? Any ideas what
I'm doing wrong? I got the idea for this one from
[1]. The certificate template I'm using is attached.

Thanks so much!

Medical Records Not Updating after edi ting charges

Hi Tony & Tim,

We mentioned at the meeting that we are invoicing our estimates first thing
in the morning to generate an investigation for the inhouse bloods and then
editing qty's of meds after surgery.

I believe you feel that the medical records should update to the qty's that
have been edited but we are finding the medical records are holding the qty's
as per the original estimate that was invoiced.


Bernie & Jannine

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Medical Records Not Updating after editing charges

Hi Tony & Tim,

We mentioned at the meeting that we are invoicing our estimates first thing in the morning to generate an investigation for the inhouse bloods and then editing qty's of meds after surgery.

I believe you feel that the medical records should update to the qty's that have been edited but we are finding the medical records are holding the qty's as per the original estimate that was invoiced.


Bernie & Jannine

Dates on Invoices


I have a question about printed invoices for prolonged hospitalisation cases.

Currently our protocol is to run ONE invoice for the entire visit and leave it 'in progress' until we are ready to discharge the patient (this was the recommendation last time I enquired).

We have found that when we print the itemised invoice for the client at discharge, there are no printed 'dates' for the individual invoice items. It makes it very difficult for clients and reception to check the invoice.

Display Expression

Hi all,

I have been changing what appears on our Schedule and Worklist and would like to know if there is a code for clinician.

In my worklist I currently have:

concat(substring(openvpms:get(., ''),0,20),' - ',substring(openvpms:get(., ''),0,15),'  (',openvpms:get(., 'patient.objectReference')/id,')', '\n', substring(openvpms:get(.,'act.description'),0,100), '\n', openvpms:get(.,'act.statusName') )

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