General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

New reminder report


thanks for meeting last night everyone.

I have added in the new reminder report into our system  that was discussed last night and it will not run - it is coming up with an error message that says 'No SQL query'.

Any ideas what I have done wrong?



Clinic Fax Number - Where Does It Live ?

I see there's a mergfefield for the practice fax number.

Clinic Fax Number - Where Does It Live?

I see there's a mergfefield for the practice fax number. ie [party:getFaxNumber(party:getPractice())]

With Customer details, under Contacts there are fields for adding Location Contact, Phone Contact, Email Contact and Fax Contact.

However, under Administration | Organisation | Practice (or Practice Location), I have options only for Location Contact, Phone Contact and Email Contact: ie no Fax Contact.  (I tried adding Fax to Contact Purpose and adding the fax number that way, but that doesn't work.)

Product Links not working


I've noticed the links for products aren't working. When you click on the blue link it takes you to products, but no longer into the actual product you were wanting to view. As a result you have to type the product details in.  Is this a problem with the latest release?


Top Customers Sales Report

I have just downloaded the report known as "Top Customer Sales Report" from the shared resources section . Does anyone know what this actually counts, as I have run it trough my data base, and it has given some really weird results, eg my number three top client is said to have spent $15,712 in the last 12 months, whereas total invoices added up manually come only to $4974

Does anyone use this report with confidence?

Regards, Paul Martin

New for 1.6?

Hi All,

Tony wanted some more suggestions for 1.6 and my staff have just come up with a couple of irritants:

1- Can the system be made to prompt if, when adding new clients, that there is already a client with the same address (or other details). We often get clients calling themselves 'new' and then find they have been here a few years ago or another member of the family has brought the pet in thus requiring merging.

Cash Drawer

Background: I have a cash drawer (from POSnow) which I would like to open when the OpenVPMS creates a paid invoice. 

Tony's suggestion (if I understood correctly) was to set the cash drawer up as if it were a printer so that when the signal is sent to print, the message will be received by the cash drawer and open the drawer. 

I put this to POSnow. They have come back with the response below. Tony can you please respond..




vaccination reminders


just noticed on all vaccinations reminders, when clicking on the red bell on the animals file to see when their next vacc is due, the date is correct but the product lists what vaccination they just had, not what they are due for next year. This is an issue for puppies & we use the 3 yr vacc for dogs, so has created some confusion.

Is this because of the way we have set it up, and can it be changed to show what vacc they are due for?

Saving a HISTORY AS pdf

I'm not sure if this is a WAP ("working as planned").

If I go to print a history, I can select from the drop-down box one of all the printers attached to the OV server, one of which includes "Adobe PDF".  In MS Word, Excel, OpenOffice, this allows me to create a PDF rather than a physical print-out.

If I select "Adobe PDF" in OV, OV locks up, forcing a close/re-open/re log-in of Firefox to regain control.

OpenVPMS Users' Meeting

Should that be 18th October Matt?

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