General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Product Templates, Pricing and Stock Control

Hi there,


I'm just testing OpenVPMS at the moment to see if it s a fit to our practice and the way we want to run it.

I love the customizability of the software, but I have a few questions

How does stock control work specifically with things like vaccines etc.

For example...

Now that we all are starting to give 3yr core vaccines and 12mthly Bordetella/PI vaccines,

Issue with negative price totals in 1 .5

In previous versions we have run price reduction promotions for products (for example $5 off a product) by adding a new product which has a fixed price of -$5. Then when we charge for the product we also charge the extra product which is -$5 and the total invoice price would be $5 off. 

I like doing it this way as I can then run a report to list the sales of the discount to claim rebates back.

Issue with negative price totals in 1.5

In previous versions we have run price reduction promotions for products (for example $5 off a product) by adding a new product which has a fixed price of -$5. Then when we charge for the product we also charge the extra product which is -$5 and the total invoice price would be $5 off. 

I like doing it this way as I can then run a report to list the sales of the discount to claim rebates back.

Letters with client merge fields


We want to do a mail out to clients on a certain medication.  I can get their details using the Customer Product Sales Report.

Is there a clever way to merge these names and address into an actual letter?


Grey and green

I know I am going to feel like an absolute noob when someone tells me the answer  -  but what is the significance of the colour of the envelope and the subject in the topic list of the general users discussion forum?

Demonstration 1.5 beta 2


I just jumped on the forums to check the details of the new update that we're about to load. I noticed that under the 'About OpenVPMS' link there is a DEMONSTRATION link. I logged into this area thinking I could have a play with the new version and possibly get some staff on to check out the changes.  The first place I went was into the medical records to see the changes. It doesn't seem to be the 1.5 beta 2 version. Is it possible to get this version loaded into the demonstration area?


Total and current balance vary


I am wondering if others have noticed when printing a client Invoice that the total and the current balance sometimes vary by 1c.

I know 1c is not a huge thing but it looks a bit strange.



Monthly statement printing error

Good morning all,

I wondering if anyone can help with this problem, When printing off the monthly statements today it started printing & got 1/3 of a way through then came up with an error message that read. RETRY - Failed to generate report. The Sub report is placed on a non-splitting band, but it does not have a rewindable data source.

Any suggestions on have to fix this?


Re: Timed logout

Hi Mark,

I use tomcat's Web Application Manager to logout idle sessions after a set period.

You can access this page via:


(you need to know your tomcat admin password).

On Aug 5, 2011 8:42 AM, <> wrote:

Grouped Reminders

Hello All,

We are sending our reminders predominantly via email. Often we find that one patient is due for multiple injections and at the moment our reminders are set up so the client receives multiple reminders for the one patient. we'd prefer to send ONE email to the client rather than send 3-5. 

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