General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Estimates including Investigations


We are wondering how others manage the following scenario..

Dental procedure - estimate on file - includes pre ga in house bloods with investigation.

The pre ga bloods need an investigation number to be processed.

If we invoice the pre ga bloods on their own on admit to get an investigation number then when we invoice the estimate we get 2 invoices in progress.

The other alternative seems to be to invoice the estimate and then go back and fix any reminders,home care sheets, medication dose changes etc after the procedure.

Reminders on Invoices

Hi All,

Is anyone aware of a way to get reminders on the invoice? The previous system we used was able to do this (Avimark), and I understand another popular one in the States here does it as well (Cornerstone). I took a look at the jrxml, but it doesn't have any SQL or anything in it that I could play with.

Thanks, Paul

Printer issues

Is anybody able to help me with the printer configuration, as every time i do reminders i have to sit and manually press the page button on my printer for each and every reminder.


I have searched the forums and user manual for any information associated with competing the stocktake, but I can not find information about the status of the stock levels.

We have just finished entering all our stock levels.  Should we change the status from "in progress" to "posted"?  What does this mean??

Animal Age Changes

Re: Animal age changes

Hi, We are new users of Open and have found this posting and wondered if it is still being considered?

Thanks Bernie

Removing a 'deceased date'

Hi All,

We accidentally euthanased the wrong dog (in the computer program anyway) & while we have re-instated him - unticked the Deceased tick box, and ticked the Active tick box, we do not seem to be able to get rid of the 'Deceased Date'.

How do we get the 'Deceased Date' field back to blank again?


Bulk Updating Prices

Wondering if there was an easy way of changing prices across the board - perhaps according to product type? Must be an easier way of doing this other than one item at a time.


Workflow and Rabies Certificates

Hi All,

We've now started using OpenVPMS in the practice, and things are going fairly well... although it's quite a learning curve for our staff. Some of them only work 3 hours a week, and that's no way to learn a new system easily.

One issue that we've encountered is regarding workflow and rabies certificates. Since we're in the US, we weren't sure if the requirements are the same in Australia for this or not. We need to issue a rabies tag to each animal, with a unique ID (for the clinic) on it. Here's what we've been doing:

Lapsed client report

We would urgently like a report that shows us clients that have not been to see us for 12months, but have seen us within the last two years.

Is there such a report?

If not what funding would be required to make it happen?




Product Information Page

Dear All,

Our Products have all been put in as a medication type so it will show in medical records.

When working in the product infomation screen.

When you list products beginning for example with "a" and you have columns id, name, description, type, fixed and unit price.

Is there any way that the type column could pick up the type from the type tab under the product information page? Or is there another way I could bring up all the "fluid therapy" to monitor pricing?



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