General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Create Variable for Mobile Phone Contact?

I've been working on a CAR microchip form and have got most of the fields populated from the openVPMS database.

The database is missing a mobile phone contact number field, so I added "Mobile" to Administration | LookUps | Contact Purpose.  This now gives me a mobile phone number field in the customer's information.

stock reorder report

We have just started using the stock reorder report to generate stock orders, however items specifically ticked as "never order" are coming up for reorder. I have zero'd stock level, max & min, but as soon as it falls below minimum, it appears for reorder on the report. How do we stop this from happening?

Account->Adjust->Credit on Till Balance Report

Hi All,

Does anyone understand why direct account credit adjustments show up on the till balance report? It doesn't seem to me that this would impact the till balance.



Printing Orders


We are using the Cenvet interface for ordering. We can not print the order after it is created (which we like to do so other staff can check whats been ordered).

The error message says "No document template available for report type:Order"



where do you learn to write report programs ?

have looked at the deceased patient and the patient export activity report and was wondering how you learn to write these things as I was going to try and combine elements of both.

GST not being applied ? Working as intended?

Hi all, 


So I am still fiddling with OpenVPMS, we arent really planning on a working implementation to January, however I am getting some wierd behaviour regarding GST.  

I added one customer/patient myself and I had a nurse add another 30 or so as a test. (She liked the entry btw compared to our existing system) however I noticed when I created some invoices for the customer I created no GST was being applied however it was for all the patients the nurse created.  

Discount expiry dates (or lack of)


We have clients that join a club that we run to get a discount, the club requires membership payments to be made annually. When we join the clients up the idea is that we enter a start and finish date for the discount. We have found that some clients do NOT have an end date entered on their file. I would like to report on these clients and add end dates, otherwise they'll be getting a discount indefinitely. Is there a report I can run to get this information.  I looked at the Customer Discount Export Report but it doesn't have start or end dates?


Barcode scanning



Is there a process developed in VPMS to scan product barcodes e.g. for sales?

If yes, is anyone already using it?



Shared Resources List


Is there some way you could update the site so that the shared resources could be listed by date added/modified - I keep a pretty good eye on the forum and new reports etc but sometimes new reports or updated reports slip past.



Printing with and without letterhead

Hi all,

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