General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Electronic Supply Chain Interface (ESCI) Project fully funded thanks to donation from Provet


Provet, a henry schein companyThe OpenVPMS community wishes to thank another major Australian Veterinary wholesaler, Provet Pty Ltd, for contributing funds to the Electronic Supply Chain Interface (ESCI) Project.
"Provet Pty Ltd has been a long time advocate of researching, developing  and funding new ways to streamline customer ordering and delivery systems.  We are pleased to work with the OpenVPMS community to make these systems available to OpenVPMS users."  Glenda Sinclair-Gordon - Provet Group General Manager Australia said.
With this contribution the project is now fully funded allowing the project to be delivered as part of the upcoming 1.5 release.

Product price errors

Hey guys, we have recently flagged an issue in regards to pricing and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to how to fix this very stressful issue.


Lately our prices have been automatically randomally changing (mostly dropping byu a few dollars). After further investigation, i have realised that even tho we are manually altering the cost price, it seems to be automatically refering back to the cheaper supplier if more then one supplier is listed.

Lost histories

When we are writing a history after seeing a consult, and someone else is adding to the invoice (but not in the history), any history that we write is lost when we click on OK.

Is anyone else seen this problem. Is there a fix for it?


Re: 'null' appearing in appointment reason field

Hi Glen,

restarting tomcat depends on your server configuration. Whoever installed it for you should be able to tell you.

Matt Y.

On 9 February 2011 10:17, Glen Hastie <> wrote:

Hi Matt,
Thanks for the tip. The world will be a much better place when 1.5 finally gets here.

Re: 'null' appearing in appointment reason field

Hi Glen,

restarting tomcat depends on your server configuration. Whoever installed it for you should be able to tell you.

Matt Y.

On 9 February 2011 10:17, Glen Hastie <> wrote:

Hi Matt,
Thanks for the tip. The world will be a much better place when 1.5 finally gets here.

Customer Aquisition Report

I have just started using the Customer Aquisition Report for find out how many new clients we have had in a particular period. I was wondering if we could add another field to allow us to filter only those who have spent money. We add a lot of clients on to the system when they make enquiries but many of these do not actually convert to sales.

Also on this report, could the date fields be changed so that the end date includes itself. Just so that all the reports do this in a consistent way (like the Customer Sales Report & the Product Type X Vet Sales Report).

Re: Product report

Hi Glen,

Are you clicking the Export button or the Preview button ?
Export button should download a csv file with the data you need for merging ...


Product suppliers

Hello. Our system keeps creating new supppliers for products when we enter an invoice. Even if the product is not modifed, except for stock leves, a new supplies may be created. Can anyone help us with this issue. Thanks. Jon

Report for client yearly expenditure


Is there a report that will allow us to see how much money individual clients have spent over a particular time frame or that will easily search our client database to see who has spent (for example) greater than $1000 this financial year etc.

We are looking at a particular loyalty program but need to be able to generate these sorts of details.

Reminder issue

We have recently found a problem with our kitten reminders.  Hopefully I can explain it properly:

We have a product called F3 Kitten Booster which has 3 reminders tagged to it: a wellness reminder kitten for 4 weeks, a wellness reminder feline for 12 months and a desexing reminder feline 3 month - which is supposed to trigger a desexing reminder and letter in 3 months (when the kitten is 5-6 months of age).  

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