General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

'null' appearing in appointment reason field

I have created some new appointment reasons last week and noticed that they do not appear on the appointment listing on the Scheduling screen. It appears as 'null' when we have a 3 schedule / 3 column view or it is just blank when we change to single shedule view.

Other appointment reasons that I have created in the past few months, prior to this, appear as per normal. I tried to create a new appointment reason today & the same 'null' wording appears instead of the actual appointment reason.

Anyone had this happen before?

Stock Management


I'm hoping to use OpenVPMS for our stock management.

Reminders Without a Product

I have created reminders for annual vaccinations, heartworm prevention, etc.
However, I would like to add a reminder for a patient, without the reminder being attached to a specific product. For example, a 3 month reminder for a kidney blood test or heart recheck.

Any pointers?

Null appears in "Notes" in Tasklist when Checked-In from a Schedule

Hey everyone,

 Happy New Year!

This is something my receptions staff have been asking me lately. When we check in a scheduled appointment into a worklist we get a "null" text added to the Notes field in the newly created Task.

Any idea where there is created?


Matt C

Re: Automatically print admission form

Hi Tony,

Thanks for that information. I have made a hospital admission form with some usable form fields. (attached)

However, when I print it the Chinese characters print as little squares. 

I'm guessing this is a server configuration issue. 
On the server (AMD64 Ubuntu 10.04) I have mysql configured for UTF8:

And the appropriate font is installed. 

Punch clock system

This may not be the right spot to post, but still.


I have had a few clients ask about a punch clock system (time and attendance)

I have looked around, and found some, but they are expensive or crap :( All they need is a webpage they can go to, type in their username and password, then punch in.


Client referral report modification

Modify the client referral report so that we get a percentage for client referral method (where they found us, eg Yellow Pages, Google search, Word of mouth, etc). Don't include those clients who did not nominate a referral method. In other words a percent for those who DID nominate a method. Please keep me informed if a project is established as I would be happy to contribute.

Vac reminder icon colour change

Alter the system so that vac reminder icons turn from green to red when due ? (this would save a lot of hassle, time and money through not missing overdue vacs). Please keep me informed if a project is established as I would be happy to contribute.

Re: Medical Records JRXML

Good luck Damian!

I think the modified version in the shared resources (at least one of them) might be mine. It is configured for an A5 page.


On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Damien Solley <> wrote:

Many thanks Tony, that did the trick.

Automatically print admission form

I have prepared a patient admission form. Can I configure OpenVPMS to print it automatically when I transfer the patient the to hospital worklist?
Or is it more sensible to add the admission form as a Document -> attachment to the patient?


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