General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

AVPMA chart of accounts

I am looking at using the AVPMA chart of accounts and was wondering if anyone else is using them or looking at using them. 

I am interested to know how you have setup OpenVPMS to work with the chart of accounts and whether you have any reports that you use. 

I was thinking of changing/expanding my product categories to match those in the chart of accounts. Then I could work out a report to show income by category for each amount banked. 

Preparing an Estimate - a few problems

I finally got around to preparing an estimate for a large surgical case and ran into a few problems.

1) Notes do not appear on the printed estimate. While you can type in a full description in notes detailing the component charges, what is included etc, this does not then print to the estimate, necessitating writing on it by hand.

Default sort order for reports

At present the list of reports in the table in the reports workspace sorts via the date the report template was added. I personally don't find this useful and would prefer to have it sorted alphabetically by default. Also, when you sort them, go to another workspace and come back it is reset. Would it be possible to set the default sort and also to save the list state for when you come back?
Matt Y

Usage notes

I want to automatically add usage notes for each medication, for example text like "take twice daily" or "don't give with milk". 
I found this JIRA:

Label printer joy

Hi everyone,

As mentioned we have gone to version  1.4 this week and installed a new server. Since then our seemless transition has of course been ruined by a printer issue. I hate printers... at least when they don't work.


Our SLP label printer which normally behaves itself has started to miss the last 3 or 4 mm of rightmost text. This occurs a good way into the label so we don't believe it is a margins issue.

Cut and paste appointments

Hi everyone,

We just installed version 1.4 this week and I was keen to try out the Ctl-X and Ctl-V of appointments but I can't get the Ctl-V bit to work.


1. I select an appt.

2. Press Ctl-X and the text becomes struck-through.

3. Select a new appointment block

4. Press Ctl-V

but nothing happens


I have tried choosing a slot in the same column, different column, different appointments.

I also tried using the same broswer in the demo and it worked fine?

Vaccination reminder icons

If possible could vaccination reminder icons on the LHS of screen be green until due or overdue then go red ?
Even better would be if a warning - overdue - popped up when a record is entered for an animal that is overdue (maybe this is one for the developers ?).

Macros not working

I have recently edited some of our macros that we use a templates for our consults and hospital updates. However they are not working now and I can't work out why. I have double checked that they are all "active" and start and finish with: ' Also, they are shorter than they used to be so it shouldn't be a word limit issue. I get no error code of any sort, they just don't function.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


ABN on Invoices


Just noticed that our Tax Invoices do not have our ABN on them. We were set up 6 months ago & may well not have been put there to start with. How do we go about adding this perminantly to the invoices?


bar code scanning

Hi All,

Just wondering if there is a way to use a bar code scanner for merchandise sales. We currectly use the scanner to put microchip numbers in so as to avoid error, but were wondering if it is possible to use the same for all the merchandise that looks similar. There is a field (Reorder Bar Code) in the Supplier section of the Product Information that we have filled in but can not actually use the scanner to identify the product at the point of sale.


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