General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Medical Records JRXML

Which template should I select to modify (edit) the Patient Medical Record printout in OpenVPMS? Ie the printed history.

Edit Appointment Location

Hi all,

Just wondering if in the future it might be possible that when you are editing an appointment on the schedule if you can change the location also. It would be handy for us for when a surgical case is transfered to medicine.



You can now pay your subscription with WIN rewards

Hi All,
Fort Dodge have kindly created a means of paying OpenVPMS directly with
your WIN reward points.

Using WIN dollars for OpenVPMS

I know that some of you have been wanting to use your Pfizer WIN dollars
for OpenVPMS subscriptions and Jira support. I have just been informed
by Duncan Morton from Pfizer that you can now redeem your WIN dollars
for Visa debit cards. Although OpenVPMS doesn't accept Visa (or any)
cards yet I would like to encourage you all use your points "by proxy".

Error when Deleting Investigations


Can you please let me know how we can delete an investigation that has accidently been added to the wrong patient file. We us in-house bloods and once the results have merged across we cannot delete them. Currently I am editing the investigation to be 'cancelled' and typing 'wrong animal' or 'error' in the field, which looks a bit unprofessional.

Work Lists: Waiting Room

Is there any reason why the patients in the waiting list aren't deleted automatically when payment is completed. As things stand we have hundreds of animals sitting in the waiting list until he system is creaking under the strain. It is tedious going thru and individually deleting them one by one. Am I missing something ?

Follow up lists

Hi all,


How do people cope with making a list of clients to easily follow up?

Currently we have a manual worklist that we add on each case individually and each vet puts on their own list for them to follow up.

Clinician Reports

I posted this a while ago but got no replies - does no one know??





Can someone please clarify for me what each clinician report :

Clinician Sales Report

Clinician Sales Analysis

Clinician Sales by Product Type

puts out as they all seem to produce different results over the same time period for totals and individual clinicians. Is this due to the use of Clinician fields in so many different places?

Boarding Bookings worklist not working

Hoping someone can help here. We have a worklist set up for our boarding bookings. It has 3 colums in it: Cat boarding, Dog boarding and Exotics boarding. We have set it up so that we accept 6 cats, 5 dogs and 5 exotics.

Travel, Dates, Sales activity, LARGE ANIMALS VETS

Hello everyone,

I am new to Openvpms and excited to be a part of it.

Is it possible to automatically show the client travel field in the client summary box.  It would help with invoicing clients.

Also LARGE animal vets love to put in payments and invoices late!  It would be great if it were possible to back-date payments and even invoices to facilitate accurate record keeping!

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