General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Clinician Report output


Can someone please clarify for me what each clinician report :

Clinician Sales Report

Clinician Sales Analysis

Clinician Sales by Product Type

puts out as they all seem to produce different results over the same time period for totals and individual clinicians. Is this ude to the use of Clinician fields in so many different places?





OpenVPMS website is back online.

The OpenVPMS website is back online. As you will see there are a few changes. There are a few bits and pieces missing at the moment but they will uncover themselves over the next few days (it's way past my bedtime). Matt Young.

Product type report

Hi guys,

i was wondering if anyone knew how to run a report to find product fees by the product type?

i have some fees that have not had a product type set and i need to identify these to run an accurate stocktake list (as those without product types are not showing up on the stocktake list)

Thanks in advance for any help guys.

Renee Newstead


Printer setup


When printing reminders (Send All) I can use twin paper source printer to print different sized documents existing in the same reminder run (some get cards some get letters). This uses functionality of printer to default to sheet feeder if page size doesnt match.

My question is can I split the printing to two different printers so cards goes through the inkjet and letters the laser . So far cant figure out how to do.

Also the paper tray settings under templates dont seem to make a difference ? Could someone clarify.


Cancel button stock adjustments


Would anyone else like to see a Yes, No box pop up if you click on the Cancel button when doing stock adjustments. Yet again I hit the cancel button rather than delete to remove a single entry and uttered a few choice words when I realized what I had done and that I had just wasted 20 minutes of entries. Mainly an issue post stock take when tend to enter a long list before OKing.


Cheers Geoff

Stock control

Hi there,

I am about to run a stocktake for BAS quarterly, and i cannot seem to find where to run this report from

Can anyone please help??????


Also how do i run a stocktate on each individual product, as well as the entire stock on hand

Thanks guys

Renee Newstead




I was wondering if anyone was having issues with their label printer? we have a zebra label printer and no matter how much we have tried, it continues to print upside down. Is anyone else having issues with thier label printers, does anyone else own a zebra label printer, or what other printers are people using where they are not having troubles?

Thanks guys

Renee Newstead

Lyppard Australia Limited sponsor Electronic Supply Chain Interface (ESCI)!

Lyppards Logo We are very pleased to announce that a major Australian Veterinary wholesaler, Lyppard Australia Limited,  have just announced they will contribute $7000 to  the Electronic Supply Chain Interface (ESCI) project.  Lyppard  has been a long time supporter of the OpenVPMS project and this financial contribution shows its ongoing commitment to the project and the Veterinary Industry.
National Sales Manager of Lyppard , Kelly O'Brien said

Time is running out for the following features!

Version 1.5 will close at midnight on Thursday.


The following projects have not acheived 100% pledges and will miss out if not fully funded!


Upcoming upgrade of the OpenVPMS website

Dear OpenVPMS Users,

The OpenVPMS website has developed into a thriving community hub and as the content has grown the site navigation has become bloated and fragmented. 

Some improvements to the site have been in the works for a while now and are just about ready to be unleashed on the world. 

In order to carry out the upgrade some downtime will be required for the site. Users will be notified of the time the site will be down via a forum post prior to the upgrade occurring.

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