General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Customer Sales Activity

Is it possible to print a report that details All Customer Sales totals for a specified period.

Cheers Sue

Invoice item list order


Wondering if anyone else out there wants invoice items to be arranged in some kind of program-defined or user-defined order? Currently they appear in what I think is a random order (forgive me if there is actually some order in these but I can not make it out).

Running total on 2-page invoice


We have had some confusion with longer invoices that go onto a second page. The running total for the account will appear at the bottom of the first page & beside this figure is the word TOTAL. The actual total of the whole bill appears on the next page.

We have had a couple of clients get confused by these amounts being different & the same word (TOTAL) written beside the running total & the final total. Wondering if the line at the bottom of the first page could either say nothing, or changed to 'Sub-total' or 'Running Total' or the like.

Administration Users


Sorry two questions:

1. What are the differences between the "Nurse", "Clinician" and "Receptionist"

and what can that user access exactly?

2. Is there a way too block certain staff from being able to access "Reports" but

keeping their name on the "Clinician Sales Report"?




Cheque Details - Save to client record

Hi - about to implement OpenVPMS and have a few observations - have checked through the forums and haven't found relevant topics

Will list them in separate posts so they can be dealt with individually.


On entering payment by cheque, is there any chance of having the cheque details save to the client record? Having previously worked in large animal practice where cheques are still a regular payment method having to re-enter details repeatedly would wear thin pretty fast.

Invoice Notes - Record to history

Hi - about to implement OpenVPMS and have a few observations - have checked through the forums and haven't found relevant topics

Will list them in separate posts so they can be dealt with individually.


Check in - Default weight

Hi - about to implement OpenVPMS and have a few observations - have checked through the forums and haven't found relevant topics

Will list them in separate posts so they can be dealt with individually.


Workflow - Check In. At the "New Weight" screen the weight defaults to the patients previous weight.

New Customer and Patient screens

Hi Everyone,

I am just making sure a few User Interface changes are put through in time for version 1.5.  

One of these was removing the need to hit the + (Plus) sign in the top right hand corner of New Customer and Patient screens in order to see all the fields and tabs to enter data.  Not sure why it is there in the first place but probably I thought it was a good idea at the time. :-) 

It is incredibly simple to change but wanted to make sure the majority agreed to do it first ?



Bug in worklists where date completed can be set to a date prior to the start date

If a task in worklists has its date completed set to a date prior to the start date, the task will never be rendered in any worklist view and is effectively lost without a method for user to recover. Validation of the worklist task should not allow a enddate < startdate in this context.


Active client report not running

Hi All,

I have just tried to run the Active Clients by Month, & Active Clients by Year & they come up with an error - 'null range specified'. All the other reports that I have set up seem to run OK. Any ideas?


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