General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Linking estimates to visits

 Estimates are a pretty important part of modern veterinary practice. Currently to get to the estimates from anywhere requires quite a bit of navigation to and fro. 

From my point of view the most common place I want to access estimates is when I am consulting and adding notes. 

I guess there's 2 ideas I am thinking of:

Reminder Setup


We are just setting up a new range of reminders and it's been ages since I've worked in this area so I'm a bit rusty. A couple of questions

Cancel Interval: If this is set a for example 2 years. What happens after two years?

Senstivity Interval: Is this to do with the reminder bells appearing? Can someone give me a refresher here?


Body condition and dental scores

Hi all,


Would anyone else find it useful if there were fields on the history where you could place body condition scores and dental scores that would then enable you to do a search to target those animals that require dentals or weight loss programs?


Projects "Under Discussion" that end discussion period next week

Hi everyone,

The following 4 user projects will end their discussion period next week (Monday).

Get any more discussion you may have about them in before then.

It will be unlikely they will get into the 1.5 release ie. Finish Developer Review & fully pledged before 30th Sep. It depends on how straight forward the Developer Review is and then how prompt pledging is.

The three projects are;

1. Invoice notes linked to Medical records

'Non' sales report


We can do fairly good reports now on who buys what but now having had a rep in they want to know who is not buying what.

i.e. Pfizer would like to know who has not brought certain of their products recently.


Would it be possible to write or adapt a report to produce this information? or can one do this already


Patient / Client in a given date range that has not brought one or more products?


I did suggest that if they wanted such a report they might want to fund it so it might be possible.

Scheduled computer health checks

How about offering scheduled on site (or remote ?) Open VPMS and practice computer health checks every 3 months (or more frequently if required). I think most practices would go with this. Key items would be:
- Checking automatic back up is working.
- Checking anti virus and anti- malware systems are working.
- Installing latest upgrades for Open VPMS.
- Adding new reports for Open VPMS (as required).
- Outlining new Open VPMS features.


Hi all,

We are in the process of reviewing the reminder system of our practice and trying to capture all the animals that we don't regularly vaccinate and also change our reminder system to cope with 3 yr vaccines.


company name on accounts

We have found that when you put a company name customer information as well as the clients name, on the bill it only has the clients name on it. So if they need the account/receipt in the company name we need to change the clients name to include company name???? Can we get the company name ( if there is one) to be printed on account/receipt. Hope this makes sense.


Patient history templates

Hi eyeryone,

Is it possible to set up an automatic template when adding a note. e.g. in patient records, add "note" that has a template for the history.

I found "visit notes"  in the template type but am unable to get this to add the visit note onto the patient history.



Note bubble on Schedule Screen


I have just remembered that I was going to get a snap shot of this event & get someone to have a look at it. I think I have attached it.

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