General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Drop Down Lists or Lookups for Macros



I think I may echo Chris in this request however although we do use macros in our data entry they would be much more effective and widely used if there was a lookup for the macro or a drop down list that would then allow the use to choose the appropriate macro from the list. As it currently stands it is very difficult to get all the members of the clinic using macros as they are unsure of the correct ones to use.


If this makes it to the project stage I will support it strongly.



Error message when reminders attempt to list


Our vaccination reminder system has been up and running a couple of months printing and send all functions working well.

However the list function in either the Send All or using the Report button now consistently throw up an error.

Revisit/Followup messages and Clinician patient lists

Does anyone else have the circumstance when you think, "I really have to see how this case turns out" and then forget completely about it?

I do it all the time.


I was thinking it might be nice for clinicians to have their own patient list. The idea would be to have a button in both the Medical record editor and the Workflows that allowed a clinician to Add to My List.

In addition, there would always be a worklist for the logged in user  that was present as a default Worklist view.


Courtesy SMS Reminders for future appointments

This idea came from the recent users meeting. It will require the successful funding and development of the SMS Project - The First Steps, before it can be realised.


New Patient Description column in the Customers search results

This suggestion came from the recent users meeting.

The idea was to add a Patient Description column to the Customer search results. The specific example given was the following;
Say a customer calls with a wrong Customer name (their boy freind brought the dog in first time but they have forgotten) so you just search the patient name. You get 5 Fluffy's. If you could see the Patient Description, this might making the right selection easier.

Dispensing Notes

This suggestion came from the recent users meeting.

The idea was very simple. When the label dialog appears, a small amount of text appears somewhere in the dialog. This text is set within the Product description and can be what ever the user desires.
For example;
- Dose rates
- Warning
- Billing rules

It was a very simple, cut back version of the dose calculation project.

Fire away if the idea tickles your fancy!

Setting a default number of copies printed

This topic comes from discussion at the recent users meeting. It is an enhancement of the Printing Multiple Copies project which has recently been un-stalled.

The original idea was to add a number selector to the interactive print dialog (eg. 1,2,3,4 etc). This would avoiding the need to press the print button multiple times was the original motivation and as Glen correctly suggested at the meeting, avoid the small delay between pressing print and being able to press it again.

Streamlining invoicing

Hi everyone,

This forum topic is the result of some discussions at the recent users meeting.

It was suggested that the current invoicing flow could be significantly streamlined. Below are the two suggestions made that I can recall. Jump in and give us your opinions, suggestions, support or additional ideas for streamlining invoicing.


1. Streamline invoice status changes

In Invoicing, to make Status updating more efficient and intuitive it was suggested that;

Website slow to load pages

window.onerror=function(){return true;}; Hi, Just wondering if others are finding the webpages slow to load of late (I am on broadband). I am finding delays to load the home page of a couple of minutes and similar for the forums. Sometimes they come up quickly but more often theyre taking an age. Been happening for sometime but had put it down to transtasman hiccups but tonight I checked out other Aus sites and theyre running at full speed.   Regards Geoff

Excluding Products from discount group

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