General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Item Order on printed Invoices

Hi All,

Although there may be a set of rules that defines the order that items appear on invoices (date of entry?, item type ? - not sure actually) those invoices we generate have items pretty much shuffled.
Is there anyway that we could provide a more ordered invoice either by assigning items of a type/classification to be printed together (say drugs, materials, consults, or surgery) alphabetically.

Changing the date of a Desexing Certificate.

Hi there,

We're trying to print a copy of a Desexing Certificate that was done months ago as the owner has misplaced the original. The form prints with today's date (obviously because of how we set up the document with the date field).

I've tried creating a new form in the patient's "Document Tab" and changing the date to the correct desexing date but it still prints off with today's date.

Is there an easy way around this or do I need to create another document with a different date field? And if so, what would that code be?


Species specific product selection

Hi Everyone,

I have just been informed that species specific product selection in charges is broken. Not sure when it broke as no reports here or directly from any user until yesterday. May have happened with 1.4 upgrade ?
Anyway I have raised a JIRA for it to be fixed.


Gribbles Merge problem

I have added a field in the Gribbles form 'history' section to identify the test we have requested as a double check when we are filling it in to try and avoid staff ticking the wrong test- unfortunately it does not merge the details. I emailed it to MattC and it worked perfectly with his system - he is on 1.4Beta, I am on full 1.4 - is there a difference that should make this happen?
see attached file



Printing a patient letter at check-in

I was wondering if it was possible to select a patient letter (instead of or as well as a patient form) at check-in?

Victorian Users Meeting on Monday 19th July

The following is posted on behalf of Matt Costa:

Hi everyone,

Next Monday, 19th July at 7.30pm our Users meeting will be held at;

Advanced Vetcare 26 Robertson Street Kensington (just off CityLink)

Once again we thank Sam Snelling for kindly hosting the meeting.


We hope to kick off around 7.30pm and start the meeting at 8pm Melbourne time.


Reminder response


Is there a way on OpenVPMS that I can monitor the response we get from clients after the patient reminders are sent out?


Print direct vs Preview

I am using the Gribbles Submission form (great idea) & when printing it directly it prints out on 2 pages with a large space above the 'History & Observation' green row.
When I Preview the document and then print it, it prints out on one page fine. Anything simple to sort this issue out here?

Product Type Report

Hi All,
I was wondering if there was a report that would give us a breakdown of sales by Product Type, ideally against vets. Not sure if this already exists but I could not find it.
Greenvale Animal Hospital

Deceased Patient Report

Has V1.4 changed something that affects this report?
Since going to 1.4 it no longer lists recently deceased patients.

This appears to be because it is now making the patient inactive as well as deceased whereas previously it would only update the deceased/deceased date boxes.

Is this intentional and if so can the report be updated.



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