General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Re: New or updated comment for Under Discussion Development Project: Streamlining invoicing

Hi Tim, Sorry I was thinking more of this scenario- it is more of a clarification then a question;

A user wants to edit an existing In Progress invoice with 2 items (A & B), changing B to new Product. 1) In the Charges workspace the Invoice is selected and Edited. 2) The Invoice editor opens and there is a new "blank" item with the cursor in the Product field. 3) The user Deletes the new blank item, selects Item B and changes to a new Product. 4) The product is added, a new blank item is created and the cursor goes to the Product field. 5) The user presses the new "Completed" button which ch

New type of Document selector

This was raised at the recent Users meeting (Point 3 from minutes)


What about this;

A new type of document selector at checkin. This document selector would;

1) Show more then just forms. In fact it would show any template that has a Classification "Check In Document" (See Below)



We have recently been having problems with our pension discounts, the discounts are on the client files but it is not being picked up on the invoices. This is happening on a number of clients and we are having to put on the discount manually. If anyone has any ideas how to fix this it would be great.

Thanks Danielle

List of Letters & Forms


Is there a way I can print off a list of all Client Forms and Patient Forms on the system, and their status eg: active or not active?

Is there a way I print off a list of all Client Letters and Patient Letters on the system, and their status?


Product Reports,


Tony your reports for Top customer sales are very useful. Can you easily convert them and produce reports for products - Top quantities of sales per period and top $sales per period as these would also be very useful in analysis. (+/- by vet). Willing to support this if necessary.









New Worklist

Hello can someone help me:

We are trying to add a new worklist view with worklists to our workflow and I can't make it happen. We want to create a worklist for our drop down menu called "In House communication" with 2 worklist colums - one for nurses the other for reception staff.

Funding for Projects

Hi Matt,

Just wanted to  confirm some funding for specific projects:

1) Change preview button in estimates to print

2) Animal age changes

3) New style of multi-selection box for editing

4) Interactive reminder interval

5) Printing multiple copies of a document

persistent speach bubble


I noticed that the 'speach bubble' that appears when we hover over the notes for an appointment in the scheduler, lasts forever, or until you hover over another one. It actually blocks the viewing of part of the appointment above & blocks the notes icon of the appointment above.

Normally a hover note would disappear when you move off the area but ours is not doing this. Either this is a problem with our particular set up or a little adjustment that is needed with the program?


Debtors reports


I have to print out a debtors report for end of financial year & cant remember which one it is. Do i use the Customer balance report in the Reporting - reports window OR do i use Debtors - Report ? And why do they have different figures?Help

Thanks for your help sam

Sample data in Demonstration? Sample Reports?

I just logged into the demonstration system.  I like what I see but the system doesn't have any pre-populated sample data, so it's hard to get a feel for the reporting capabilities, since the reports that generate are all blank.

Is there any way to populate that system with some fake data (I realize generating that is kind of a pain and anonymizing a working system is impossible)?


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