General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Error accessing OpenVPMS: The requested resource is not available

Hi,   I am running OpenVPMS on a laptop with Windows 7.   When I tried to open the program today, I got the attached error message.   Any help to solve the problem would be appreciated.   Cheers, Ross Beatty  

Printing Part Histories

Is there a way of printing or emailing a history within a date range?  At the moment I seem to only be able to send the entire history which is not always required.


Data migration - documents


im trying to migrate a user to the openvpms database, but i am having issues migrating the documents, the data in the blob is correct and valid but when opening i get the error message incorrect header check

i also noticed the blob size is different if i use the openvpms software to save the same file, is the data compressed?

Help setting up SMS Reminders


I've been on the forums trying to find information on setting up SMS patient reminders for vacc, worming, etc.

Current Referring Vet within Email Templates


As Tim G is on holidays, I'm wondering if someone can help with an strange behaviour we've noticed within email templates.

If a patient has been to our clinic before, but on this new visit has a different referring vet to previous visit, we add a new referring vet to the patient. This automatically ends the previous vet to todays date and puts the new referring vet starting todays date.

Lock time and Schedule title on workflow

I feel like this question has been posed in the past but I cannot find a response. 

Would it be possible to lock the time on the left and the schedule title on the top as you move across and down schedule views? We have several clinics with 5+ doctors listed plus exam rooms so when you move across the screen, the time drops from view. It would great if both locked in place. 

Thanks, Alan

Record - Image


If i add a new medical record and try to store an image im getting the follow error, has anyone else come across this?


Failed to validate Location of Act Location: errorMessage

Letter Generation Issue


Problem - Because of limitations in editing input fields in letters, and for record keeping purposes, we often write discharge letters as notes. Then copy and paste the note into the input field.

On occasion staff find they copy and paste the information. Then click "Ok" and "Ok" to save. When they go to print, the information they have copied and pasted is not present in the OO or PDF document (i.e. the document is empty).

Multiple Pets and Invoice finalization

Had an interesting query from a client today - and to be honest its one that I have been hounded on in the past.  

The problem: Vet is a emergency hospital and has 2 patients from the same family in hospital . Patient A is discharged first and through check out the invoice is finalized ....but B is still in hospital for another 24hrs...but oops invoice was finalized so now the staff need to make a new one....FRUSTRATION!

Remote printing


I have a client running openvpms, looking to expand it to his next store, is remote printing possible? I read the documentation for the printer install and it states the printer should be local or a network printer, but being a remote site the printer is not visible to the server. Is it possible to print or would they need to print to pdf and then print each time?

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