General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Supplier Communications Log

Although it is relatively simple to generate and send an email to a supplier via the Supplier|Information screen, these emails cannot be logged in the same way as customer emails are.

Given the relatively small use of emails to suppliers, it is not really worth equipping the supplier workspace with the same facilities as the customer workspace (ie a left panel with contact information and links to mail and sms the supplier, and a comms log facility that mirrors the customer comms log).

End of the month statements and invoices

Hi again

I have been having trouble making our end of the month statements make sense to some of our clients that receive them.  In order to make them clearer I have been attaching the individual invoices for the period as well.  However when I print the invoices out they have an amount paid written underneath the total amount-but nothing has actually been paid. 

You will see on one invoice it states that $105.25 has been paid and on the other $60.63.  There is no record of these payments

iPhone and iPad OpenVPMS Users alert!

Some of you more tech savvy peeps may know this already but if you upgrade to iOS 10, you will lose the ability to connect to OpenVPMS on that device through the PTTP VPN connection - Apple have removed the PTTP VPN connection option.

They certainly told us they were going to do it, I just didn't see it until it was too late:

None of the other 3 VPN connections Apple make available under iOS 10 currently allow you (me anyway) to connect to OpenVPMS.

Is there anything that can be done about this?


Good morning! I have a general query regarding investigations. We currently use Gribbles and eclinic to automatically attach path reports to the correct patient summary which generally works well. We also now are doing more path with Idexx due to the SDMA test and currently need to manually attach files through Vet connect. Apparently Lablink is available to do for the Idexx reports what eclinic does for the gribbles report.

Customer Location restriction

I help with a small practice in South Africa which does a significant amount of pro-bono work for the local Wildlife Rehab organisation. From the practice's point of view it would be useful to give the organisation access to their patient's data.

While it would be possible to set up a separate practice location to hold the Wildlife Refuge, this would not restrict the Refuge staff from accessing other client's data.

Sending Multiple Invoices


It would be great if when sending emails to clients via OVPMS we could select invoices/payment receipts and the such in the "Attach" screen. If we have a client that has multiple invoices we wish to send then we basically have to either send each in an individual email, or download them all and send them via a 3rd party program.



stock control for returns

It would be handy for stock levels to be electronically updated for products returned to wholesalers.


Adding multiple owners

Hi Again

We are wondering how best to add a client when each partner has a different surname and we want to include both on the patients files. 



Heather and Andrew first names

Demasi and Tesoriero Surnames


Hope that's clear.


Upgrading from a very old version - guilty query

Hi guys,

This is a technical question.


Say hypothetically a clinic hadn't upgraded for years and was still using version 1.5-beta-2 (4275)...

And they wanted to upgrade so they could be good contributors to the openVPMS community once more.

Would they need special considerations in terms of the upgrade?


Just hypothetically ;-)




Time & Date Vs Date


I have an archetype with the following expression:

concat('Medical Questionnaire: ', date:formatDate(/activityStartTime))

but this gives me the date only.

is it possible to modify the above expression to get a date AND time?

Alternatively - can someone point me how I could get this information.



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