General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Change in the way a xpath works in 1.9 Release

We have been using the following xpath statement in a number of documents

to account for the fact that prior to 1.8 we didn't record Microchip implant location....

[openvpms:get(party:getMicrochip(.), "implantDate", startTime)]

However in the new release it returns a empty field when the implantDate is blank.

The underlying idea was to return the current start time when the date was blank.  

Tweaking roles

We are having a change of staff this week. So we thought it appropriate to re-assess the roles and authorities which we quickly set up a couple of years ago. We have reset the base role to that described in the default roles.xml for 1.8. We have also set up a logistics role as described by TimG in various posts. We have created a new role of manager for higher level tasks.
When trying to save a customer cheque payment with the base role which has the authorities Customer Payments create and save (act.customerAccountPayment*), we got the following error message:

Online Appointment Booking


I'm not sure if this has been discussed previously as I cant see a thread in recent history, however has there much discussion about creating a platform for clients to book appointments online via the clinic website? This would work well for us for both normal vet consults but also if that could be extended to boarding.

The human medical "Health Engine" platform is sublime and works brilliantly.



Worklist Checkout issue


We've noticed (I think since upgrade to 1.9 (7298) or maybe integration of Smart Flow Sheet), that patients aren't checking out of the worklist properly if they have an In Progress invoice.

Occasionally clinicians create multiple invoices, one of which is blank. We used to just check-out the patient from the worklist, (pay the invoice through the check-out process) and it would remove the patient from the worklist. Then once a week I would go through the WIPS list and delete any $0 In Progress invoices.

Osirix alternative


We are having trouble with Osirix working well on all the different versions on our macs.

Can anyone recommend a different Open Source Dicom Viewer for CT & MRI & X-rays?



Smart Flow Sheet - Duration of stay


This is probably not possible, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

We use Smart Flow Sheet and would like to make the default Duration of Stay = 5 (easier to delete sheets than copy)

We do not automatically create a SFS with every check-in from the schedule to the worklist as checking-out of OpenVPMS doesn't remove the patient from SFS. So the easiest system for us is to manually create SFS for patients if they are admitted to the hospital.

Because of this, the Default Number of Days is not connected through OpenVPMS

Seeking support for Patient Product Alert project

This project - see - was initiated by EIAH/CC/AEC Hong Kong (who have commited to provide some 50% of the funding). I am certain that it is of interest to other practices and invite you support.

Regards, Tim G/Trilby W

Document Description instead of Document Name


Is there a way to have a File Name Format that has the Document Description instead of the Document Name?

We use the File Name Format:

Document name - patient full name - today's date

but would like to use (if it's possible):

Document description - patient full name - today's date

Anyone interested in blood types?

I was recently asked to add support for recording a patient's blood type.

Thanks to OpenVPMS's architecture this was a piece of cake - tweak the party.patientPet archetype and write a report - so we now have:

Report to determine income from dispensing fees

We are accepting the inevitable demise of veterinarian's ability to sell medications with a mark-up and looking at other alternatives, specifically a higher dispensing fee and very small mark-up on each medication to cover for damage/loss/out-of-date issues. Before we take the plunge, we are keen to run a few reports to help us project the impact of such a change.

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