General User's Discussion

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Supplier (Veterinarian) Spreadsheet Import


This might be a bit cheeky to ask, as not sure how much benefit it would be to anyone else. We are constantly trying to keep our Supplier (Veterinarian & Veterinary Clinic) details up to date, but it is quite time consuming.

Would there be any way to create an Export of our Suppliers - Veterinary Clinics- with Veterinarians, email addresses, postal address, phone numbers etc. into a CSV. Then could I make all necessary changes and Import it back in?



Out of work flow sale

Hi - let me firstly apologise if this topic has been covered before!

Is there a possibility of having the patient information window popping up on the left just under the client window on the left, when a sale is made against a patient out of work flow?

So that the information of the patient selected comes up , and the weight as well as the ability to click onto the reminders?

I have attached a copy of the current invoice  to show where it could go.

Reminder report - looking for a data dump report

Does a report exist that is just a data dump of all reminders in the system? I see reports for single clients, reports that show all reminders sent and several for sending reminders but nothing that just lists all reminders due. 

The fields I would be interested in would be client name, pet name, reminder due, due date (future and past). 

Am I just overlooking where this currently exists?

Thanks, Alan

Graphical Glitching

Anyone seen anything like this sort of graphical errors...

Cant see any errors in eventually resolves but is recurrant.

Unable to select customer

Dear All,


Currently getting this error when trying to select a customer:

The Query returns results of type class, but the expected type is class

Selecting a customer gives a list of matches, selecting a single customer from that list gives the error.

Any help will be appreciated.


Subscription For not for profit

Hello everyone, We recently had tony update our server at Guide Dogs Victoria and are required to now subscribe based on the software checks.

I have not been able to find out any finalized details or options for not for profit organizations.

If someone could advise us on when we need to do that would be fantastic.

We have 2 part time Vets 2 days a week.


Thank you for your time.



unbilled client invoices still appearing in 'debtors' as well as 'works in progress'?


I have asked previously about this problem, but just want to confirm if there is anything that can be done. Im still getting unbilled client invoices showing up in the debtors section as well as the work in progress section. This didn't occur prior to having an upgrade.


Issues with reversed invoices


So, we have on occasion issues with reversed invoices and the such.

Currently the only way to tell on the Customer - Account an item has been reversed is that the "Hidden" flag is ticked. This is not massively obvious and many staff are not familiar with the notion that "Hidden" = "Reversed". The most recent stuff up was a reversed invoice being sent to an insurance company and client by accident.

My suggestions are the following:

Price List query


When an item increases in price we put an end date on the product in our OpenVPMS and add a new price. This way we can keep track of price increases, etc.

I've just printed a new price list and I notice it lists both prices, the old price and the current price. 

Is there a way of printing a price list that displays only the current price? We are currently using version the product price list version 1.3 and OpenVPMS Version: 1.8.1 (6812)


Estimates, Version 1.9

Hi - just wondering if there is an easy solution. Each August we offer a discount off Dental Procedures as part of Dental Health Month - so we made a product Dental Discount that had a negative value. Last year we seemed to be able to create an Estimate that included this product that had a negative value. But this year with 1.8.1 we are not able to do so which we are finding a bit frustrating. Any advice would be welcome..

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