General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Yesterday Date Macro

Hi, I have a macro for @yesterday - date:add(, "-1d") that produces Wed Jun 15 15:30:47 AEST 2016

I would like to combine this with a "short" date formt.

Much stuffing around and no joy. Does someone have the appropriate expression?




stock take

Hello all,


Trying to stock take, need to adjust actual quantity and cant find where to do this in 1.8.1.  can someone point me in right direction please.




PS I dont speak computer!

Can it run on an ipad?


This may be a silly question but I couldn't find the answer anywhere.

I am looking at setting up a mobile practice - can I run OpenVPMS on an ipad, or just a laptop?




work flow list page, info bubble hidden behind margin

Please see the attached screenshot of the openvpms workflow- work list page. Does any one else find that the information bubble hides under the margin. I has only been doing this since we upgraded to the version 1.8.1.

Thank you

reporting debtors

Since updating to the version 1.8.1, the debtors section not only brings up customers with outstanding accounts, it also brings up accounts that are unbilled? or have an open invoice that has $0.00 on it. How can I fix this?

Thank you for jrxml documents


I'm wondering if I can use a field in a Jrxml document that gives the author (the person currently logged into OpenVPMS).

I thought I might use this in a document for Update letters as sometimes they are sent from nurses or other staff that aren't clinicians. This would be the sign off at the bottom of the document.

I'd also like to use it in a macro for the subject line of the email.

We currently use:

Adding a logo to patient history records

I am looking to add our logo to the top of our patient histories when they are printed or emailed.  At this time there is nothing identifying our clinic on the records.  I know the document is the Patient Medical Record, it's  an ireport / jrxml document.  I have found it on the server but  I have no idea how to edit the document.

Any ideas?



Suggested enhancement to lockout

When a user is locked out it is at times in the middle of a workflow, eg. investigation creation or invoicing and sometimes the user has not saved the work they are doing. If another user comes up to use that computer they can only enter the previous users password to save it or logout which loses the information which hasn't been saved. 

Is it possible to apply and changes prior to locking the screen to prevent this?

Credit Card Type Mandatory


On occasion staff forget to add a credit card type when taking a payment. We would like to make it mandatory to select a credit card type (other than "none").

Can I achieve this by changing min cardinality of credit (or details?) in act.CustomerAccountPaymentCredit to 1?

Just wanted to check before I break things.



Suggestion - New Customer/New Patient Button

to hasten input of new customers/patients

was looking through one of our walkthroughs and occured to me we could save a heap of steps by doing this.

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